
The Freedom Tech Lagoon PHP library

v0.0.4 2025-03-23 00:12 UTC


⚠️ Warning: Experimental Project
FT-Lagoon-PHP is currently in active development and has not yet reached a stable production release. This project should be considered experimental.

If you are interested in using FT-Lagoon-PHP in a production setting, please contact Bryan Gruneberg ( from Workshop Orange, one of the sponsoring organizations.

A PHP client library for interacting with the Lagoon API.



composer require freedomtechhosting/ft-lagoon-php


$lagoon = new \FreedomtechHosting\FtLagoonPhp\Client(
        'ssh_user' => 'lagoon',
        'ssh_server' => '',
        'ssh_port' => '32222',
        'endpoint' => '',
        'ssh_private_key_file' => getenv('HOME') . '/.ssh/id_rsa'

Table of supported API functions:

Function Description
Project Management
createLagoonProject Create a new Lagoon project
createLagoonProjectInOrganization Create a new Lagoon project within an organization
getAllProjects Get all projects from the API
getProjectByName Get a project by name
Project Variables
getProjectVariablesByName Get all variables for a project
getProjectVariableByName Get a specific variable for a project
addOrUpdateScopedVariableForProject Add/update a variable with specific scope for project
addOrUpdateGlobalVariableForProject Add/update a global variable for project
deleteProjectVariableByName Delete a variable from project
Environment Variables
addOrUpdateScopedVariableForProjectEnvironment Add/update scoped variable for environment
getProjectVariablesByNameForEnvironment Get all variables for environment
getProjectVariableByNameForEnvironment Get specific variable for environment
deleteProjectVariableByNameForEnvironment Delete variable from environment
Environment Management
deleteProjectEnvironmentByName Delete a project environment


For examples of how to use the client, see the demo implementation at

Sponsoring Organizations


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit an issue or a PR.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.