
A Rich Editor plugin for Sylius.

Installs: 4

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 0

Forks: 45



1.0.0 2024-12-03 20:09 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-03 21:12:16 UTC


Banner of Sylius Rich Editor plugin

Sylius Rich Editor

Rich Editor Plugin license Tests Status Recipe Status Security Status

This plugin adds a rich editor on the fields you want. Now you can manage your content very easily!

Example of rich editor field


Sylius Version PHP Version
1.11 8.0 - 8.1
1.12 8.1 - 8.2
1.13 8.1 - 8.2


Require the plugin

If you want to use our recipes, you can configure your composer.json by running:

composer config --no-plugins --json extra.symfony.endpoint '["https://api.github.com/repos/monsieurbiz/symfony-recipes/contents/index.json?ref=flex/master","flex://defaults"]'
composer require monsieurbiz/sylius-rich-editor-plugin
For the installation without flex, follow these additional steps

Change your config/bundles.php file to add the line for the plugin :


return [
    MonsieurBiz\SyliusRichEditorPlugin\MonsieurBizSyliusRichEditorPlugin::class => ['all' => true],

Then create the config file in config/packages/monsieurbiz_sylius_rich_editor_plugin.yaml :

    - { resource: "@MonsieurBizSyliusRichEditorPlugin/Resources/config/config.yaml" }

Finally import the routes in config/routes/monsieurbiz_sylius_rich_editor_plugin.yaml :

    resource: "@MonsieurBizSyliusRichEditorPlugin/Resources/config/routing/admin.yaml"
    prefix: /%sylius_admin.path_name%

Correct Twig\Extra\Intl\IntlExtension conflict

If the recipe did not comment it, update the file config/packages/twig.yaml to comment or remove the IntlExtension declaration :

# Twig\Extra\Intl\IntlExtension: ~

Install the assets

If the auto-script is not in your composer.json project, you can install the assets with the following command:

bin/console asset:install

Use it with the Sylius Media Manager

You don't need to do something, everything is compatible.

composer require monsieurbiz/sylius-media-manager-plugin="^1.0"

If you used the rich editor before using the media manager, you need to override the form theme of the media manager plugin :

mkdir -p templates/bundles/MonsieurBizSyliusMediaManagerPlugin/Admin/MediaManager/Form/;
cp dist/templates/bundles/MonsieurBizSyliusMediaManagerPlugin/Admin/MediaManager/Form/_theme.html.twig templates/bundles/MonsieurBizSyliusMediaManagerPlugin/Admin/MediaManager/Form/_theme.html.twig;

Use the Rich Editor

Update your form type

To make a field use the rich editor, you must use the RichEditorType type for it.
We have an example of implementation in the file for the test application.

If your field has some data already, like some previous text before installing this plugin, then we will convert it for you as an HTML Element which contains… HTML.

Example of a rich editor field

This way you will be able to use our plugin right away without risking any data lost!

To make it clear: to have rich editor for original admin fields, like Product description, Taxon desription etc. you have to update each form type by an extension as the example shows above.

Call twig render

To display the content of the rich editor field you must call the twig filter:

{{ content | monsieurbiz_richeditor_render_field }}

You can see an example in the file for the test application

Custom rendering of elements

You can also render your elements with some custom DOM around that. To do so, you have access to a twig filter that gives you the elements list :

{% set elements = monsieurbiz_richeditor_get_elements(content) %}

And then you can either render them all :

{{ elements|monsieurbiz_richeditor_render_elements }}

Or one by one :

{% for element in elements %}
    {{ element|monsieurbiz_richeditor_render_element }}
{% endfor %}

Filter the elements

If you want to filter the elements which are available for your field, you can use the tags option when you build your form.
As example:

$builder->add('description', RichEditorType::class, [
    'required' => false,
    'label' => 'sylius.form.product.description',
    'tags' => ['-default', 'product'],

In that example, all Ui Elements with the tag default will be excluded, then the Ui Elements with the tag product will be included.
Don't worry, you can add this filter afterwards, we won't remove the already present Ui Elements of your field. But we won't allow to add more if they don't have one of the allowed tags!

Order matters

The order of the tags matters! The first tag will be less important then the second.
As example, if you have 3 Ui Elements with the following tags:

  • element1: tag1, tag2, tag3
  • element2: tag1, tag2
  • element3: tag2, tag3

And you set the tags of your field to -tag1, tag2, -tag3, then the only available Ui Element will be: element2.
They all have the tag2 to include them, but the element1 and element3 have the tag3 which is excluding them after being both included.

Example of setting tags to an Ui Element using yaml

            tags: ['product']

Deactivate an available element

Here is what really happens when deactivating an Ui Element:

  • it's not displayed anymore in frontend
  • it's still editable in backend for old contents but you can't add a new one
  • if the element has an alias, the alias is treated the same way

Define the overload of a proposed UiElement in your configuration folder, let's say in config/packages/monsieurbiz_sylius_richeditor_plugin.yaml as example.

            enabled: false

Available elements

Row Element (Layout)

It contains another rich editor field, each element will be displayed one below the other (as rows…).

Column Element (Layout)

It contains another rich editor field, each element will be displayed side by side (as columns…).

By using this element in the Row element, you will be able to build some layout like the screenshot below.
You can distinguish the Row element and the Column element by their dotted borders.

The Columns and Rows elements

HTML Element

The HTML element

Markdown Element

The Markdown element

You can use MONSIEURBIZ_SYLIUS_RICH_EDITOR_ENABLED_HIGHLIGHT_JS_SHOP to enable code highlighting in the shop. Also you can change the theme with MONSIEURBIZ_SYLIUS_RICH_EDITOR_ENABLED_HIGHLIGHT_JS_THEME.

Text element

The text element

Quote element

The quote element

Image element

The image element

Video element

The video element

Button element

The button element

Title element

The title element

Separator element

The separator element

Youtube element

The Youtube element

Image collection element

The Image collection element

Example of a rich product description

Admin form with preview

Admin full form

Front display

Front full display

Create your own elements

In this example, we will add a Google Maps element.

With the Maker Bundle, you can create a new UiElement very easily:

bin/console make:ui-element

Then you will have to answer some questions, or you can add arguments to the command to avoid the questions.

bin/console make:ui-element app.google_maps "map pin"

Just add the translations!

Define your UiElement (for PHP < 8.1)

Tips: If you are using PHP 8.1 or newer, you can use the #[AsUiElement] attribute to define your UiElement. You can skip this step.

Define your UiElement in your configuration folder, let's say in config/packages/monsieurbiz_sylius_richeditor_plugin.yaml as example.

            title: 'app.ui_element.google_maps.title'
            description: 'app.ui_element.google_maps.description'
            icon: map pin
                form: App\Form\Type\UiElement\GoogleMapsType
                #ui_element: App\UiElement\MyUiElement
                admin_render: '/Admin/UiElement/google_maps.html.twig'
                front_render: '/Shop/UiElement/google_maps.html.twig'
            tags: []

You can use your own Ui Element object if needed. Be sure to implement the \MonsieurBiz\SyliusRichEditorPlugin\UiElement\UiElementInterface interface.
A trait is there for you 🤗 as well. This is very useful when you need to do some custom work in your templates, it's like having a helper around. The Ui Element is then available via the ui_element variable in your templates.

Create the Form Type we use in admin to fill your UiElement



namespace App\Form\Type\UiElement;

use Symfony\Component\Form\AbstractType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\TextType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilderInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert;

class GoogleMapsType extends AbstractType
    public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
            ->add('link', TextType::class, [
                'label' => 'app.ui_element.google_maps.link',
                'required' => true,
                'constraints' => [
                    new Assert\NotBlank(),

For PHP 8.1 and newer, you can use the #[AsUiElement] attribute to define your UiElement. For example:


// ...

use MonsieurBiz\SyliusRichEditorPlugin\Attribute\AsUiElement;

    code: 'app.google_maps',
    icon: 'map pin',
class GoogleMapsType extends AbstractType
// ...

The title, description and templates values are generated automatically from the code. In this example :

  • the title will be app.ui_element.google_maps.title,
  • the description will be app.ui_element.google_maps.description,
  • the admin template will be /Admin/UiElement/google_maps.html.twig,
  • and the front template will be /Shop/UiElement/google_maps.html.twig.

But you can override them if you want:

    code: 'app.google_maps',
    title: 'my_cusom.title', // Use your own translation key or a string
    description: 'my_custom.description',
    icon: 'map pin',
    templates: new TemplatesUiElement(
        adminRender: 'MyCusomPath/google_maps.html.twig',
        frontRender: 'MyCusomPath/google_maps.html.twig',
    uiElement: GoogleMapsUiElement::class, // Use your own UiElement class
    tags: ['map'], // Add some tags to filter the UiElement
    wireframe: 'google_maps', // Add a wireframe to help the user to understand the UiElement, see below

Add your translations of course

Here is an example of possible translation for the GMap element :

            title: 'Google Maps Element'
            short_description: 'Include a Google Maps'
            description: 'An element with a Google Maps link'
            link: 'Link'

Create the templates to render it in front and in admin

You have to create a template for the front and also for the admin's preview.

Here is an example of a simple template for this our which can be used in front and admin:

<iframe id="gmap_canvas" src="{{ element.link }}" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" width="600" height="500" frameborder="0"></iframe>

The result !

The element is in the UI Elements list

The Google Maps element

You now have a form to edit it (your form!)

The Google Maps form

And we use your templates to render your UiElement

In admin :

The GMap display

In front :

The GMap display

File in fixtures management

In some cases you will want to add UI elements to your content fixtures which are Rich Editor fields. If you need files in your UI elements, you can use a dedicated fixture. It is used as follows.

                    name: monsieurbiz_rich_editor_file
                            -   source_path: 'src/Resources/fixtures/bar1.png'
                                target_path: 'image/foo/bar1.png'
                            -   source_path: 'src/Resources/fixtures/file.pdf'
                                target_path: 'baz/file.pdf'

The example below will copy files to public/media/image/foo/bar1.png and public/media/foo/file.pdf.

Now you can use files in your content fixtures:

description: |
        "code": "app.my_ui_element",
        "data": {
          "title": "My title",
          "image": "/media/image/foo/bar1.png",
          "file": "/media/baz/file.pdf"


You can add a wireframe to your UiElement. It will be displayed in the admin form to help the user to understand what the UiElement is about. The file can be either:

  • An SVG with a .twig extension. Example: button.svg.twig.
  • A classic twig template. Example button.html.twig. You can add the files in the folder : templates/MonsieurBizSyliusRichEditorPlugin/Wireframe/*.{svg/html}.twig In the YAML declaration of a UI Element, you can add the wireframe key with the name of the file without the extension.
        alias: title
        title: 'monsieurbiz_richeditor_plugin.ui_element.monsieurbiz.title.title'
        description: 'monsieurbiz_richeditor_plugin.ui_element.monsieurbiz.title.description'
        icon: heading
        wireframe: title
        tags: [ default ]
            form: MonsieurBiz\SyliusRichEditorPlugin\Form\Type\UiElement\TitleType
            admin_render: '@MonsieurBizSyliusRichEditorPlugin/Admin/UiElement/title.html.twig'
            front_render: '@MonsieurBizSyliusRichEditorPlugin/Shop/UiElement/title.html.twig'

Wysiwyg Type

The WysiwygType form type is a custom form type provided by the MonsieurBiz Sylius Rich Editor plugin. It extends the Symfony's TextareaType and provides a rich text editor interface in the admin form. It will work only in admin.

Basic Usage

To use the WysiwygType in your form, you can add it to your form builder like this:

$builder->add('content', WysiwygType::class, [
    'required' => false,
    'label' => 'app.form.content',


The WysiwygType form type accepts several options:

  • editor_type: The type of the editor. Default is SunEditor::TYPE. At this time, the only supported editor type is SunEditor::TYPE.
  • editor_height: The height of the editor in pixels. Default is 300.
  • editor_locale: The locale of the editor. Default is the current admin locale or 'en' if it cannot be determined.
  • editor_toolbar_type: The type of the toolbar. It can be one of the following: EditorInterface::TOOLBAR_TYPE_MINIMAL, EditorInterface::TOOLBAR_TYPE_BASIC, EditorInterface::TOOLBAR_TYPE_FULL, EditorInterface::TOOLBAR_TYPE_CUSTOM. Default is EditorInterface::TOOLBAR_TYPE_BASIC.
  • editor_toolbar_buttons: An array of buttons to be displayed in the toolbar when editor_toolbar_type is EditorInterface::TOOLBAR_TYPE_CUSTOM. Default is null.
  • editor_custom_config: An array of custom configuration options for the editor. Default is null.

Here is an example of how to use these options:

$builder->add('content', WysiwygType::class, [
    'required' => false,
    'label' => 'app.form.content',
    'editor_height' => 500,
    'editor_locale' => 'fr',
    'editor_toolbar_type' => EditorInterface::TOOLBAR_TYPE_CUSTOM,
    'editor_toolbar_buttons' => ['bold', 'italic', 'underline'],
    'editor_custom_config' => ['option1' => 'value1', 'option2' => 'value2'],

In this example, we have set a custom editor type, increased the height of the editor, set the locale to French, chosen a full toolbar, specified the buttons to be displayed in the toolbar, and provided some custom configuration options for the editor.


You can open an issue or a Pull Request if you want! 😘
Thank you!