
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

1.0.1 2017-02-07 22:31 UTC


This bundle provides easy setup for MyTarget SDK client in symfony framework.

Install using composer

Since the bundle and SDK are not stable it's reasonable to use dev-master revisions. The stable version is coming soon. composer require dsl/my-target-client-bundle:~0.4.0 Add \DSL\MyTargetClientBundle\DslMyTargetClientBundle to your symfony AppKernel.

class AppKernel extends Kernel
    public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = [ ... , new \DSL\MyTargetClientBundle\DslMyTargetClientBundle(), ];
        return $bundles;

Configure Symfony bundle

In the example below 2 separate clients are configured:

    redis_lock_client: acme.bundle.service.predis_client            #id of predis client service. Must be configured in your app to store locks.
    redis_token_client: acme.bundle.service.predis_client           #id of predis client service. Must be configured in your app to store tokens cache. Can be the same as previous.
    lock_prefix: lock_                                              #keys prefix for reddis
    lock_lifetime: 300                                              #lifetime for token lock. default value is 300
    default_client: test
                client_id: 12                                       #your mytarget client id
                client_secret: someclientsecret                     #your mytarget client secret
            guzzle_client: acme.bundle.service.guzzle_client        #custom guzzle client. not required
                client_id: 49
                client_secret: someotherclientsecret
            transport_service: acme.bundle.service.guzzle_client    #custom http transport. not required


With the config above you can use two services:

dsl.my_target_client.service.client.test dsl.my_target_client.service.client.main

Also, the bundle creates the alias dsl.mytarget_client.client for a service, specified in the default_client parameter. In this example the alias dsl.mytarget_client.client points to dsl.my_target_client.service.client.test but by default the default_client parameter is equals main. So if you omit this parameter, alias will point to dsl.my_target_client.service.client.main.

    $mtClient =$this->getContainer()->get('dsl.my_target_client.client'); // dsl.my_target_client.service.client.test
    // or $mtClient =$this->getContainer()->get('dsl.my_target_client.service.client.main');
    $mtMapper =$this->getContainer()->get('dsl.my_target_client.service.mapper');
    $bannerOperator = new BannerOperator($mtClient, $mtMapper);
    var_dump( $bannerOperator->all() );


You can create your own middlewares and mark them with a tag <tag name="dsl.my_target_client.middleware" radius="128" client="client-name" />.
If you specify client attribute this middleware will be added to this client only, otherwise all clients will receive it.
By default all middlewares get the radius of PHP_INT_MAX, you can specify any other desirable value in the range from PHP_INT_MIN to PHP_INT_MAX. You can think of a middleware as a spherical layer and the radius is a proximity of the middleware to the centre of the sphere, where HttpTransport is at the centre.