
PHP `parse_ini_string` Compatible INI Builder

v0.3.1 2024-09-06 22:20 UTC


Latest Stable Version License ci.yml

Create PHP parse_ini_string / parse_ini_file compatible INI strings from associative arrays.


  • php: >=7.1
  • ext-ctype: *


Install the latest version with:

composer require 'donatj/php-ini-builder'


Here is a simple example script:


require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

$data = [
	'Title'   => [
		'str' => 'awesome',
		'int' => 7,
		'flt' => 10.2,
	'Title 2' => [
		'bool' => true,
		'arr'  => [
			'a', 'b', 'c', 6 => 'd', 'e', 'key' => 'f',

$builder = new \donatj\Ini\Builder;

echo $builder->generate($data);

Which outputs:

str = awesome
int = 7
flt = 10.2

[Title 2]
bool = true

arr[] = a
arr[] = b
arr[] = c
arr[6] = d
arr[] = e
arr[key] = f


Class: donatj\Ini\Builder

Utility for Converting An Array to a INI string

Method: Builder->__construct

function __construct([ bool $enableBool = true [, bool $enableNumeric = true [, bool $enableAlphaNumeric = true [, bool $skipNullValues = false]]]])
  • bool $enableBool - Enable automatic boolean detection?
  • bool $enableNumeric - Enable automatic numeric detection?
  • bool $enableAlphaNumeric - Enable automatic alpha-numeric detection?
  • bool $skipNullValues - Skip null values?

Method: Builder->generate

function generate(array $data) : string

INI String Result

Throws: \donatj\Ini\ExceededMaxDepthException

Method: Builder->__invoke

function __invoke(array $data) : string

Same as generate - exists to make Builder callable.

Method: Builder->escape

function escape($value) : string

Escapes Values According to Currently Set Rules

  • bool | float | int | string | null $value

Method: Builder->enableBoolDetection

function enableBoolDetection(bool $enableBool) : void

Enable / Disable Automatic Boolean Detection

PHP's built in parse_ini_* methods parse 1, '1' and true and likewise '', and false to the same
values when the scanner mode is set to INI_SCANNER_NORMAL, enabling this option causes these values to be
output as true / false

Method: Builder->enableNumericDetection

function enableNumericDetection(bool $enableNumeric) : void

Enable / Disable Automatic Numeric Detection

PHP's built in parse_ini_* methods parse all values to string. Enabling this option enables numeric detection
so they will be output once again as floats/ints

Method: Builder->enableAlphaNumericDetection

function enableAlphaNumericDetection(bool $enableAlphaNumeric) : void

Enable / Disable Automatic AlphaNumeric Detection

PHP's built in parse_ini_* methods does not require quotation marks around simple strings without spaces.
Enabling this option removes the quotation marks on said simple strings.

Method: Builder->enableSkipNullValues

function enableSkipNullValues(bool $skipNullValues) : void

Enable / Disable Skipping Null Values

When enabled, null values will be skipped.

Class: donatj\Ini\ExceededMaxDepthException

Exception thrown when the max depth supported by INI is exceeded.