
v1.0.0 2024-07-05 21:03 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-05 22:16:58 UTC


For a payment transaction we have to request a purchase via webservice. If our request is successful the IPG will return a url which we should use while redirecting customer to payment page. Customer will be redirected back to our desired URL(redirect address) from payment page via a GET request carrying data which may be used to check and verify customer's transaction using web service.

Instantiating an IPG object

for instantiating an IPG object we should call Dizatech\PasargadIpg\PasargadIpg constructor passing it an array of required arguments containing:

  • username: your payment gateway username
  • password: your payment gateway password
  • terminal_number: your payment gateway terminal number

Code sample:

$args = [
    'username'          => '123',
    'password'          => '456',
    'terminal_number'   => '789',
]; //Replace arguments with your gateway actual values 
$ipg = new Dizatech\PasargadIpg\PasargadIpg($args);

Purchase Request

For a payment transaction we should request a purchase from IPG and acquire a payment url. This may be accomplished by calling purchase method. If the request is successful we can redirect our customer to the acquired payment url.


  • amount: payment amount in Rials
  • invoice_number: unique invoice number
  • invoice_date: invoice date in desired format
  • redirect_address: URL to which customer may be redirected after payment


An object with the following properties:

  • status: success or error
  • url id: in case of a successful request contains the a url id which may be used for further tracking the purchase request
  • payment url: in case of a successful request contains a payment url to which we should redirect our customer

Code sample:

$purchase = $ipg->purchase(
    amount: 20000,
    invoice_number: 1,
    invoice_date: '2024-06-29 10:20:30',
    redirect_address: 'http://myaddress.com/verify'
); //Replace arguments with your gateway actual values 
if ($purchase->status == 'success') {
    header("Location: {$purchase->payment_url}");

Payment check and verification

After payment the customer will be redirected back to the redirect address provided in purchase phase via a GET request carrying all necessary data. Data fields sent by IPG are:

  • status: status of customer payment
  • invoiceId: the invoice number sent to IPG in purchase phase; we can use this invoice id for acquiring original invoice from our database
  • referenceNumber: reference number which may be used for further tracking the payment
  • trackId: tracking id which may be used for further tracking the payment

If status equals sucecss it may considered as a successful payment claim which should be inquired and verified. Anything other than success means the payment has failed; thus, there will be no need for any further action. It should be noted that successful payments have to verified. otherwise they will be returned to customer's bank account.


Successful payment data should be inquired before we could verify them. Inquiry can be accomplished by calling inquiry method.


  • invoice_number: invoice number used in purchase phase for which the user has been sent to payment gateway


  • status: inquiry request status which should be success; otherwise it means that our request has totally failed; thus we don't have any data related to the payment.
  • payment_status: payment status which may be success, confirmed or refunded. success as payment status means the payment has been successful and we can move on and verify the payment. confirmed means the payment has already been verified and also confirmed (can't be refunded and will be transferred to the merchant's bank account). refunded payments are successful payments but has been returned to the payer's bank account either because of deliberate refunding or failure in verification.
  • transaction_id: transaction id which may be used for further tracking the payment
  • reference_number: reference number which may be used for further tracking the payment
  • amount: the actual paid amount which should match the original invoice amount
  • pan: the customer's PAN number
  • url_id: url id which may be used to retrieve original invoice from our database, verifying or further tracking the payment

Code Sample:

$inquiry = $ipg->inquiry(invoice_number: 1);
//Replace arguments with your gateway actual values 


If the inquiry result is success and payment result is also success we have to verify the transaction via verify method.


  • invoice_number: invoice number used in purchase phase for which the user has been sent to payment gateway
  • url_id: url id returned from inquiry phase


  • status: verify request status which may be success or error
  • reference_number: reference number which may be used for further tracking the payment
  • amount: the actual paid amount which should match the original invoice amount
  • pan: the customer's PAN number

Code Sample:

//Replace arguments with your gateway actual values 
$inquiry = $ipg->inquiry(invoice_number: 1);
if ($inquiry->status == 'success' && $inquiry->payment_status == 'success') {
    $verification_result = $ipg->verify(
        invoice_number: 1,
        url_id: '2.................004497985'
    if ($verification_result->status == 'success') {
        echo $inquiry->transaction_id . "<br>";
        echo $verification_result->reference_number . "<br>";
        echo $verification_result->pan . "<br>";
        echo $inquiry->url_id;
    } else {
} elseif ($inquiry->status == 'success' && $inquiry->payment_status == 'refunded') {


In case we need to cancel customer order immediately after payment (maximum 2 hours later) we can simply refund the payment transaction which may result to full and instant refund to customer's bank account. For refunding transactions we can call refund method.


  • invoice_number: invoice number used in purchase phase for which the user has been sent to payment gateway
  • url_id: url id returned from inquiry or purchase phase


  • status: refund request status which may be success or error
  • error_message: in case of error it may contain an error message

Code Sample:

$refund = $ipg->refund(
    invoice_number: 1,
    url_id: '2.................004497985'
); //Replace arguments with your gateway actual values