crispy-computing-machine / supersimplecrawler
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PHP 8 web crawler
2024-09-28 07:47 UTC
- php: ^8.3.0
- ext-dom: *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle: ^7.7
Super Simple Crawler for PHP 8
composer require crispy-computing-machine/supersimplecrawler
//Composer require 'vendor/autoload.php'; // Libs use SuperSimple\Crawler; use SuperSimple\CrawlerCompleteException; use DOMDocument; // Configure the crawler. $crawler = new Crawler($verbose = true); try { $crawler->setUrl(""); // Set the URL. $crawler->setPort(80); // Set the port (80 is the default HTTP port). $crawler->setFollowRedirects(true); // Follow redirects. $crawler->setFollowMode(2); // Follow only links within the same host. $crawler->setRequestLimit(10); // Limit the number of requests. $crawler->setContentSizeLimit(2000000); // Limit the content size (2 MB in this case). $crawler->setTrafficLimit(10000000); // Limit the traffic (10 MB in this case). $crawler->setUserAgentString("Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MyCrawler/1.0)"); // Set a custom user agent. $crawler->setWorkingDirectory(sys_get_temp_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'crawler'); // Set a directory for storing data. $crawler->setProxy(); // Set a proxy (if required). $crawler->setCertificateVerify(true); // Verify SSL certificates. $crawler->setConnectionTimeout(10); // Set the connection timeout (10 seconds). $crawler->setStreamTimeout(20); // Set the stream timeout (20 seconds). $crawler->setRequestDelay(3000); // Wait 1048576 millisecond between requests. $crawler->setConcurrency(10); // multiprocessing mode $crawler->addContentTypeReceiveRule(['text/html', 'application/json']); // Handle doc $crawler->setFulfilledCallback(function($url, DOMDocument $content){ echo 'Successful request! ' . $url . ' -> ' . strlen($content->textContent) . PHP_EOL; }); // Handle error $crawler->setRejectedCallback(function ($url, DOMDocument $content){ echo 'Failed request! ' . $url . ' -> ' . strlen($content->textContent) . PHP_EOL; }); // Start the crawling process. $crawler->crawl(); } catch (CrawlerCompleteException $e) { // Crawler complete report Crawler::log("Total pages downloaded: " . $e->getTotalPages(), "info"); Crawler::log("Total size downloaded: " . $e->getTotalSize() . " bytes", "info"); Crawler::log("Total links followed: " . $e->getTotalLinks(), "info"); Crawler::log("Abort Reason: " . $e->getMessage(), "info"); } finally { // Additional clean up or summary actions Crawler::log("Crawler has ended gracefully.", "success"); }