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stupid message queue bundle for sf2

2.4.7 2014-08-08 13:52 UTC


Bundle to support stupidMessageQueue into Symfony application.


Add requirement into you composer.json :


Then enable the bundle into app/AppKernel.php :

new CoG\StupidMQBundle\CoGStupidMQBundle()

Optionnaly, if you are using Doctrine Orm, you can use it to easily install message queue table :

php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force

This command will create for you a new table cog_stupidmq to store your messages.

Creating a message queue

Edit your services.xml to add your own queues :

<!-- Messages Queues -->
<service id="my.queue" class="%cog_stupidmq.queue.class%">
    <argument type="service" id="" />
    <tag name="cog_stupidmq.queue"/>

Adding message into the queue

$queue = $this->getContainer()->get('my.queue');
$queue->publish('This is a message !');

Adding a worker

To consume messages, you have to create a worker class like this :


namespace My\Bundle\Worker;

use CoG\StupidMQBundle\Worker\WorkerInterface;

class MyWorker implements WorkerInterface
    public function execute( $message ) {
        /* you ca give a feedback using \CoG\StupidMQBundle\Feeback\Feedback */
        return Feedback::create(
            'here is my feedback'

        /* or just return a boolean */
        return true;

    public function getSubscribedQueues() {
        return array(

    public function getName() {
        return 'my.worker';

Then you should register your worker, edit your services.xml :

<!-- Message Worker -->
<service id="my.worker" class="My\Bundle\Worker\MyWorker">
    <tag name="cog_stupidmq.worker"/>

Running command

StupidMQBundle is coming with useful command to process messages :

$ php app/console cog:stupidmq:watch -m1

These command will watch your queue until a message have to be processed, then it will run a subprocess in order to treat it.

Command help :

$ php app/console cog:stupidmq:watch --help