
Simple PHP client to utilize Webaim's WAVE API.

v1.0.1 2019-02-07 15:57 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-12-08 07:44:40 UTC


wave-api is a strongly typed package for interacting with Webaim's WAVE API.


wave-api requires PHP 7.1 or greater. You will also need to create an account with the WAVE API in order to use it.


You can install via composer:

composer install chrgriffin/wave-api


Basic Usage

Using the client is extremely simple:

require_once './vendor/autoload.php';

use ChrGriffin\WaveApi\Client as WaveClient;

$wave = new WaveClient('my-api-key');
$response = $wave->analyze('my-url');

Additional Parameters

If you want to specify optional parameters, such as viewportwidth, reporttype, or format, there are multiple ways to do so.

Firstly, you can specify any additional parameters when instantiating the client:

$wave = new WaveClient('my-api-key', [
    'viewportwidth' => 1440,
    'reporttype'    => 2,
    'format'        => 'json'

Secondly, you can specify any additional parameters when making the request:

$response = $wave->analyze('my-url', [
    'viewportwidth' => 1440,
    'reporttype'    => 2,
    'format'        => 'json'

Or thirdly, you can chain multiple setters:


Response Format

The format parameter has two valid options: json and xml. Setting this parameter will change the response type:

  • if format is json, then $wave->analyze() will return a \stdClass object
  • if format is xml, then $wave->analyze() will return a \SimpleXMLElement object


Available Methods

  • getClient() : GuzzleHttp\Client (by default)
  • setClient($client) : ChrGriffin\WaveApi\Client
    • $client: Replace the default GuzzleHttp client with your own.
  • getKey() : string
  • setKey(string $key) : ChrGriffin\WaveApi\Client
    • $key: Your WAVE API key.
  • getFormat() : string (json by default)
  • setFormat(string $format) : ChrGriffin\WaveApi\Client
    • $format: The desired report format. An exception will be thrown if the value is neither json nor xml.
  • getViewportwidth() : int
  • setViewportwidth(int $viewportwidth) : ChrGriffin\WaveApi\Client
    • $viewportwidth: The desired viewport width when analyzing.
  • getEvaldelay() : int
  • setEvaldelay(int $evaldelay) : ChrGriffin\WaveApi\Client
    • $evaldelay: The desired number of milliseconds to wait before analyzing.
  • getReporttype() : int
  • setReporttype(int $reporttype) : ChrGriffin\WaveApi\Client
    • $reporttype: The desired report type. An exception will be thrown if the value is none of 1, 2, or 3.
  • getUsername() : string
  • setUsername(string $username) : ChrGriffin\WaveApi\Client
    • $username: The desired username for basic HTTP authentication to the given URL.
  • getPassword() : string
  • setPassword(string $password) : ChrGriffin\WaveApi\Client
    • $password: The desired password for basic HTTP authentication to the given URL.
  • getResponseContents() : null|\stdClass|\SimpleXMLElement _(will be null before a request is made)
  • setParams(array $params) : ChrGriffin\WaveApi\Client
    • $params: An associative array of any or all paramaters. Valid paramaters:
      • format : string (must be one of json or xml)
      • viewportwidth : int
      • evaldelay : int
      • reporttype : int (must be one of 1, 2, or 3)
      • username : string
      • password : string
  • analyze(string $url, array $params = []) : \stdClass|\SimpleXMLElement
    • $url: The desired URL to analyze.
    • $params: An associative array of any or all paramaters. Valid paramaters:
      • format : string (must be one of json or xml)
      • viewportwidth : int
      • evaldelay : int
      • reporttype : int (must be one of 1, 2, or 3)
      • username : string
      • password : string


  • A \TypeError will be thrown whenever an invalidly typed parameter is passed to a method (refer to the above documentation for valid types).
  • A ChrGriffin\WaveApi\Exceptions\InvalidArgumentException (extends \InvalidArgumentException)will be thrown in the following instances:
    • Trying to set format to an invalid value (not one of xml or json).
    • Trying to set reporttype to an invalid value (not one of 1, 2, or 3).
    • Trying to set a parameter that doesn't exist.
  • A ChrGriffin\WaveApi\Exceptions\ResponseException will be thrown when the WAVE API responds with an error. The error, if provided, will be the exception's message.