
Community maintained Klarna PHP SDK

v4.2.6 2024-08-14 09:10 UTC


php tests


This is an unofficial, community maintained fork of the deprecated official Klarna PHP SDK.

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Shop at your favorite stores today and experience the freedom to pay later with Klarna.

Getting started

SDK covers all of Klarna API: https://developers.klarna.com/api/


API Credentials

Before getting a production account you can get a playground one. Register here to be able to test your SDK integration before go live:

PHP SDK Installation and Usage

Install via Composer

To install the PHP SDK from the Central Composer repository use composer:

composer require centarro/kco_rest

Highly recommended to use version tag when installing SDK.

composer require centarro/kco_rest:

Detailed information about the PHP SDK package and a list of available versions can be found here: https://packagist.org/packages/klarna/kco_rest

Include the SDK into your PHP file using the Composer autoloader:



Manual installation

To install the PHP SDK manually you need to clone the repo to any folder on your machine:

git clone git@github.com:centarro/kco_rest_php.git /path/to/some/folder/kco_rest_php

Include the SDK into your PHP file using the SDK autoloader:



⚠️Warning: Using manually installed SDK requires you to use the CURLTransport instance to send HTTP requests.

Read more about How to use HTTP Transport

Documentation and Examples

Klarna API documentation: https://developers.klarna.com/api/
SDK References: https://klarna.github.io/kco_rest_php/

Example files can be found in the docs/ directory.
Additional documentation can be found at https://developers.klarna.com.

Logging and Debugging

PHP SDK logs information to STDOUT/STDERR. To enable debug mode, set DEBUG_SDK environment variable:

$ DEBUG_SDK=true php <your_program.php>


$ export DEBUG_SDK=1
$ php <your_program.php>

Another way to enable Debugging Mode is define the DEBUG_SDK inside your script:

// some code here
define('DEBUG_SDK', true);
// some code here

Be aware, the SDK just checks if the DEBUG_SDK is defined! It means you will see the debug information by using define('DEBUG_SDK', false); or export DEBUG_SDK=no

More information about the DEBUG_SDK flag can be found here: klarna#32

The output will look like:

    GET : https://api.playground.klarna.com/customer-token/v1/tokens/TOKEN
Headers : {"User-Agent":["Library\/Klarna.kco_rest_php_3.1.0 (Guzzle\/6.3.3; curl\/7.54.0) OS\/Darwin_17.5.0 Language\/PHP_5.6.37"]}
   Body :

DEBUG MODE: Response
Headers : {"Content-Type":["application\/json"],"Date":["Wed, 15 Aug 2018 15:55:53 GMT"],"Klarna-Correlation-Id":["ABC-123"],"Server":["openresty"],"Content-Length":["62"],"Connection":["keep-alive"]}
   Body : {
     "status" : "ACTIVE",
     "payment_method_type" : "INVOICE"