
2.0 2021-01-20 10:57 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-20 19:45:29 UTC


Easily setup dynamic subdomains registered to models on your application e.g


You can install this package via composer by

composer require kofoworola/laravel-subdomain

*In Laravel 5.5 and below add this to your providers and aliases array

'aliases' => [
    'Subdomains': kofoworola\Subdomains\Facade\Subdomains::class

Then run php artisan vendor:publish to publish the configuration file


The config/subdomains.php file:

return [
     * The name of the parameter to be used for subdomains
    'subdomain' => 'app',

     * The model that owns subdomains
    'model' => '\App\Company',

     * The column in the user
    'column' => 'slug',

    'middleware' => [

         * The user model to perform authentication checking on
        'user_model' => '\App\User',

         * The function/relationship that defines the link between the user model and the subdomain owner 
         * Can return Collection/Array of Models or single model
        'function' => 'companies',

Once you have published the package, you can then set the configuration to your application's setup


After setting up your routes to catch subdomains e.g

Route::group(['domain' => '{app}','middleware' => ['auth']],function (){
    //Rest of routes

Make sure all controller assigned to subdomains extend the \kofoworola\Subdomains\Controller\SubdomainController class:

use kofoworola\Subdomains\Controller\SubdomainController;

class SubController extends SubdomainController
    public function index(){
        return 'hello';

     * No need to get the subdomain value via parameter for every method redundantly
     * You can get it through the subdomain facade when needed
    public function param($param){
        return $param;

The parent controller automatically removes the subdomain parameter from list of paremeters so you don't have to add it to you parameter list everytime you want to get another parameter


Using the kofoworola\Subdomains\Facade\Subdomains facade you can access helper functions:

Getting the name of the parameter

Use Subdomains::name() to get the name of the subdomain parameter

Getting the value of the subdomain

Use Subdomains::value() to get the value of the subdomain parameter

Getting the owner of the subdomain

Use Subdomains::owner() to get the model instance that owns the current subdomain

Checking if the user has access to the subdomain

Subdomains::ownsModel($user = null) returns true or false depending on whether the user has access to the subdomain

If no user is passed the current logged in user is used

Getting a subdomain route

//If model is passed the value of its subdomain will be used to generate route
//If not the current owner will be used

Subdomains::route('',$params = [],$model = null);

Can be used to generate a subdomain link


You can also add the \kofoworola\Subdomains\Middleware\HasSubdomain middleware to your routes. Firstly register it in your Kernel:

protected $routeMiddleware = [
        //Rest of middlewares
        'subdomain' => \kofoworola\Subdomains\Middleware\HasSubdomain::class,

Then add it to your routes:

Route::group(['domain' => '{app}','middleware' => ['auth','subdomains']],function (){
    //Rest of routes

The middleware will take care of verifying if:

  • The subdomain exists
  • The current user has access to the subdomain