
Settings manager for Laravel

2.0.0 2022-03-08 17:40 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-15 20:29:31 UTC


There are some "settings packages" for Laravel out there. For example anlutro/laravel-settings or akaunting/setting but we think we can do better.

For example, this package is able to save any value in the settings (numbers, strings, booleans etc. but also any objects, for example Eloquent models).

How it works

  1. This package serialize the setting value (using the PHP's serialize and base64_encode functions).
  2. The value is stored it in a text database column type (if you use DatabaseSettingsRepository).
  3. When reading the setting value, the serialized value is decoded (via PHP base64_decode function) and then deserialized (via PHP deserialize function).


$ composer require bonsaicms/settings

Publish config file

$ php artisan vendor:publish --tag=settings

Run migrations

$ php artisan migrate

Auto-load Middleware

Add the following line inside your app/Http/Kernel.php file. This middleware will automatically call Settings::all() before each request so whenever you call Settings::get() there will be no DB query executed, because all settings will be already in the cache.

protected $middleware = [
+   \BonsaiCms\Settings\Http\Middleware\LoadSettings::class,

Auto-save Middleware

Add the following line inside your app/Http/Kernel.php file. This middleware will automatically call Settings::save() after each request so you won't need to manually call it.

protected $middleware = [
+   \BonsaiCms\Settings\Http\Middleware\SaveSettings::class,


Settings::set('someting', 1);
Settings::get('someting'); // 1

Settings::set('someting', 1.2);
Settings::get('someting'); // 1.2

Settings::set('someting', true);
Settings::get('someting'); // true

Settings::set('someting', null);
Settings::get('someting'); // null

Settings::has('someting'); // true
Settings::has('sometingElse'); // false

// Eloquent models ...
$model = SomeEloquentModel::first();
Settings::set('model', $model);
Settings::get('model')->is($model); // true

// Mass...
    'a' => 'A',
    'b' => 'B',
    'c' => 'C',
Settings::get(['a', 'b', 'x']);
/* new Collection([
    'a' => 'A',
    'b' => 'B',
    'x' => null
]) */

Set / Get Eloquent Models

To make this work, your models need to implement our BonsaiCms\Settings\Contracts\SerializationWrappable interface. You can implement serialization logic by yourself, but you can also use our BonsaiCms\Settings\Models\SerializableModelTrait trait.

Our BonsaiCms\Settings\Models\SerializableModelTrait will NOT serialize the model's attributes! It will only serialize the model identity (model name + ID) and it will retrieve that model from the database when you call Settings::get(...).

// MyModel extends Eloquent
$model = MyModel::first(); // some model instance (not null)
Settings::set('model', $model);
$retrievedModel = Settings::get('model');

// On the same or on the some future request as well...
$retrievedModel->is($model); // true

If you need different serialization behaviour you need to implement your own serialization logic by implementing our BonsaiCms\Settings\Contracts\SerializationWrappable interface.

Example of your model class

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model as Eloquent;

class MyModel extends Eloquent implements \BonsaiCms\Settings\Contracts\SerializationWrappable
    use \BonsaiCms\Settings\Models\SerializableModelTrait;


Settings::set('someting', 1);

Settings::has('someting'); // true
Settings::has('sometingElse'); // false


Settings::save(); // This will save changes into the repository (database)


Settings::set('someting', 1);
Settings::has('someting'); // true
Settings::has('someting'); // false
Settings::get('someting'); // null

Artisan command to delete settings

This will call Settings::deleteAll() under the hood.

$ php artisan settings:delete-all

Facade vs Helper

There is also a settings() helper available.

Settings::set('a', 'b');
settings('a', 'b');

Settings::set(['a' => 'A', 'b' => 'B']);
settings(['a' => 'A', 'b' => 'B']);





Save your own objects in settings

Any of your classes can implement our BonsaiCms\Settings\Contracts\SerializationWrappable interface. It should then implement these two methods:

interface SerializationWrappable
    static function wrapBeforeSerialization($wrappable);

    static function unwrapAfterSerialization($wrappedClass, $wrappedValue);

Example implementation:

use BonsaiCms\Settings\Contracts\SerializationWrappable;

class MyClass implements SerializationWrappable
     * You should map the $wrappable object to some "wrapped value" here and return it.
     * The returned value should describe the object so you can re-create it again in the method below.
     * This value should be just primitive (string, number, array ...) because it will be serialized
     * and persisted in settings repository.
    static function wrapBeforeSerialization($wrappable)
        return [
            'something' => 'some-wrapped-value'        

     * This method should return the original `$wrappable` passed to method above.
    static function unwrapAfterSerialization($wrappedClass, $wrappedValue)
         * $wrappedClass; // MyClass::class
         * $wrappedValue; // ['something' => 'some-wrapped-value']
        return new MyClass; // You can pass $wrappedValue to the constructor

Then you can simply write:

$myObject = new MyClass;
Settings::set('obj', $myObject);
Settings::get('obj'); // same as $myObject (but probably not equal, depends on what you return in `unwrapAfterSerialization` method

Settings and JSON-like API

Do you need to work with settings via API ? Check out our bonsaicms/settings-api package.


$ composer install
$ composer test