bit3 / packer
Pack JS and CSS distribution with compile and minify support using the Assetic framework.
- php: >=5.4
- kriswallsmith/assetic: ~1.1
- symfony/console: 2.4.*
- symfony/process: 2.4.*
- symfony/yaml: 2.4.*
This package is not auto-updated.
Last update: 2022-02-01 12:33:34 UTC
Add a package.yml
to your repository and run the pack
There are 3 configuration files.
The default.yml
contains the default configuration.
The package.yml
contains the package configuration, for your project. This one should be added to your repository.
The package.local.yml
contains system / environment specific configuration (like paths to binaries). This one should
not be added to your repository.
They will be loaded in this order and merged into each other. That means in general you package.yml
contains the
package information, while the package.local.yml
contains paths to the binaries on your system.
Convenience: If you want to provide a package.local.yml
that works for your team, for example all use the same
system environment, put a package.local.yml.dist
with system environment specific settings into you repository. You
should not overcharge the package.yml
with system environment specific settings!
Watching modifications
A lot compilers like sass/compass have a "watch" feature. But when using chains of compilers and minifiers, this is not
easy to automating. Use the --watch
) flag will cause the packer to watch for modifications on the packages.
If you using importing (like the sass @import
rule) or embedding (like the cssembed filter), you may want to specify
which files must be watched?! Simply add a watch
block into your package.yml
, directly after the files
block and
specify the files or directories to watch.
packages: dist/package.css: files: # remind that all files here will be watched anyway - reset.css watch: # watch a single file - src/file_to_watch.css # directories are also allowed - assets/images/ # or watch all watches from another package - @dist/other_package.css
Using the "watch" feature is nice for local development, but what if you must compile local and push to a remote host? This may necessary when your website is placed on a shared host, without shell/compiler support.
Using deployment is realy easy, first you need to define your deployment commands:
deploy: - notify-send "Build %file% finished"
And use the --deploy
option to your command: pack --deploy
After each package, the deployment will be executed. The placeholder %file%
is replaced with the pathname of the
package, %package%
with the name of the package and %deploy%
with the deployment target (which is default
Output example
$ pack dist/package.css --deploy
parse configuration
+ load .../bit3/packer/src/default.yml
+ load package.yml
+ load package.local.yml
build package dist/package.css
* build collection from dist/package.css
~ filters:
- cssrewrite [Assetic\Filter\CssRewriteFilter]
+ add local file src/reset.css
* write file dist/package.css
deploy to notify
* exec notify-send "Build dist/package.css finished"
Deployment targets
Having one deployment target is nice for simple setups, but what if you need to deploy to multiple places depending on what you currently work on? One possible usage scenario is a preview and production deployment.
When you add the deploy
section, all commands will be added to the default
deployment targets. To define multiple
deployment targets, group the commands inside of the deploy
deploy: preview: - scp %file% production: - scp %file%
Now you have two deployment targets which can be used particular by pack --deploy preview
pack --deploy production
, or together with a single pack --deploy preview --deploy production
Hint There is simply no difference between
deploy: - <cmd>
deploy: default: - <cmd>
Hint It is also possible to mix grouped and non-grouped commands:
deploy: - <cmd 1> production: - <cmd 2>
which is exactly the same as:
deploy: default: - <cmd 1> production: - <cmd 2>
Warning If you want to deploy specific packages (pack dist/only_this_package.css
) and deploy these to the
deployment target (pack --deploy
), the package name may be assumed as deployment target, if you just use
pack --deploy dist/only_this_package.css
. Just add default
after --deploy
pack --deploy default dist/only_this_package.css
or simply switch the parameters:
pack dist/only_this_package.css --deploy
packages: dist/package.css: filters: [cssrewrite] files: # add a string - | /* * (c) <copyright holders> */ # add a static file - src/reset.css # add a file with filters - [src/base.scss, [scss]] watch: # watch a file - src/file.css # watch a directory - assets/images/ # watch files from another package - @dist/other_package.css dist/package.min.css: # extend another package extends: dist/package.css # remind that this will overwrite the filters, not extend filters: [cssrewrite, yui-css] vendors: # this is a virtual package, that will not be build virtual: true files: - framework.css dist/package.with-vendors.css: # this will merge two packages into one files: # an @<name> will referencing another package, # so you can merge and mixin multiple packages - @dist/package.css - @vendors