
A bundle that extracts translations

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1.3.0 2022-02-17 14:39 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-17 20:45:23 UTC


This bundle provides several helpers for working with translations.


First install this package:

composer require becklyn/translations 

Then import the routing:

    resource: '@BecklynTranslationsBundle/Resources/config/routes.yaml'
    prefix: /_v/translations/


                - test
                - abc.*
                - *.error
                - admin.test.*

    cache_version: 1

The extract key defines which messages from which domain need to be extracted and dumped for usage in JavaScript. It is a nested array, where the first level key is the namespace (more on that below). The second level key is the translation domain and the values are the message keys. You can use * as a placeholder for the message keys.

The dumped JavaScript is cached. If somehow the cache is busted, you can manually invalidate the cache by bumping the cache_version.


The translations dumps are separated into namespaces, so that there can be for example one dump for frontend translations and one for the backend translations. The namespaces are just labels and are passed to the init function (see the next chapter).

JS Dumper + Loader

This bundle exposes an endpoint that can be used to load translations in JS. Include it in your Twig using the twig function:

{{- javascript_translations_init(namespace) -}}

It will automatically use the locale of the current master request. To override this behaviour a custom locale can be passed:

{{- javascript_translations_init(namespace, locale) -}}

Using the Translations

The dumped translations will be added to a global object. These are nested maps, the outer map has the domain as key, the inner value is a mapping from key → translation.

Linked translation builder

This bundle provides a LinkedTranslationBuilder that can be used to handle translations that contain links. It can simply be used by using the LinkedTranslationBuilderFactory to create a new instance. Then a list of used links can be added to the LinkedTranslationBuilder. Finally, the LinkedTranslationBuilder is able to create all needed parameters for the translation:

$translator->trans("your.translation-key", $linkedTranslationBuilderFactory->create()
    ->link("beforeLink", "afterLink", $linkableInterface)
    ->link("beforeLinkTwo", "afterLinkTwo", $linkableInterfaceTwo)

The LinkedTranslationBuilder is also capable of handling links that have custom classes and contain icons.