
Yet another breadcrumbs package for Laravel: simple and easy to use.

v3.0.2 2023-02-26 16:56 UTC

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Last update: 2025-02-08 09:05:55 UTC


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A complete rework of an older Laravel's package that lets build breadcrumbs with quickly and easy.

public function show(Post $post) {
    crumbs('Posts', '/posts')->add('Show Post #3', '', 3);

<main>Main Content</main>


You can install the package by running this command in your console:

composer require atstudio-tech/breadcrumbs

The Service Provider will be automatically discovered so there is no need to add it manually to your /config/app.php file.

Vendor Files

You can publish both the configuration and views files with these commands:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="breadcrumbs-config"
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="breadcrumbs-views"


There are two different places to populate a breadcrumbs list:

  1. In your routes file, e.g. web.php.
  2. Directly in your route's action, e.g. closure or controller.

Routes File

use ATStudio\Breadcrumbs\Breadcrumbs;

Route::get('posts', [PostController::class, 'index'])->crumbs(function (Breadcrumbs $crumbs) {
    $crumbs->add('Posts', '/posts'); // Here we are using a hard-coded URL

With this method you can get breadcrumbs declaration out of the way, however we don't have access to route parameters. That's a case where we can put breadcrumbs declaration in our controller.

This route macro has the same signature as the crumbs helper function.


public function show(Post $post) {
    crumbs('Posts', '/posts')->add('Show Post #3', '', [3]); // The third parameter can also be a primitive: `add(..., ..., 3)`

This way you can use route parameters to build your breadcrumbs, such as showing a resource's ID.


There are are also three different ways of building a breadcrumbs list:

Breadcrumbs Class

use ATStudio\Breadcrumbs\Breadcrumbs;

public function show(Post $post, Breadcrumbs $crumbs) {
    $crumbs->add('Show Post #3', '', [3]);


use ATStudio\Breadcrumbs\Breadcrumbs;

public function show(Post $post) {
    Breadcrumbs::instance()->add('Show Post #3', '', [3]);

Crumbs Façade

use ATStudio\Breadcrumbs\Facades\Crumbs;

public function show(Post $post) {
    Crumbs::add('Show Post #3', '', [3]);

Helper Function

This is the one we have used so far

public function show(Post $post) {
    crumbs()->add('Show Post #3', '', [3]);

If no parameters are passed, the function will return an instance of the main Breadcrumbs class.


You can render the breadcrumbs list by calling crumbs()->render() inside a Blade view or using a custom directive:

    {{ crumbs()->render() }}

<!-- or -->


Both notations accept an optional parameter $view:

  • crumbs()->render('breadcrumbs::custom-view')
  • @crumbs(breadcrumbs::custom-view)

You can either customize already existing views that come with the package by running:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="breadcrumbs-views"

Or specify a custom view inside config('breadcrumbs.view').

View Customization

Let's say we want to create a completely new view for our breadcrumbs. We start by creating a new Blade file inside resources/views/vendor/breadcrumbs/custom-theme.blade.php (I prefer to put even custom views inside the vendor folder, but feel free to put them anywhere you like as long as it's inside resources/views folder).

Let's take a look the default view file (resources/views/vendor/breadcrumbs/plain.blade.php):

<nav aria-label="Breadcrumb">
    <ol role="list" style="display: flex; align-items: center; gap: 1rem">
        @foreach ($breadcrumbs as $breadcrumb)
            @if (!$loop->first)
            @if ($breadcrumb->active)
                <li>{{ $breadcrumb->title }}</li>
                <a href="{{ $breadcrumb->path }}">
                    {{ $breadcrumb->title }}

A few things to note here:

  • $breadcrumbs is automatically passed to the view. This is the instance of Breadcrumbs class. You can also call $breadcrumbs->all() which is the same thing.
  • $breadcrumb->active is a computed property that simply returns true in case the breadcrumb's path is the same as current URL.


Breadcrumbs::add(string|array $title, ?string $path = null, mixed $params = null)

A breadcrumb requires a title.

If $path is not provided, current URL will be used instead. $path can either be relative URL that will be converted to an absolute link or a route name. In case of a route name, you can also use the third parameter $params.

$title accepts both a string and an array. If it's an array, it must contain these keys:

    'title' => '',
    'path' => '',
    'params' => [], // optional

crumbs(string|array|callable|null $title = null, ?string $path = null, mixed $params = null)

If you call this helper function without any parameter, it will simply return an instance of Breadcrumbs as mentioned above. Otherwise it accepts the same parameters as Breadcrumbs::add().

Exclusively to this function, the $title parameter also accepts a closure (the same goes for the Route::crumbs() macro as shown in the example above):

use ATStudio\Breadcrumbs\Breadcrumbs;

public function show(Post $post) {
    crumbs(function (Breadcrumbs $crumbs) {
        $crumbs->add('All Posts', 'posts.index');
        $crumbs->add('Show Post #1', '', 1);

Breadcrumb Item

A single breadcrumb item has title, path and active properties.


The CHANGELOG file will tell you about all changes to this package.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.