
An experimental PSR-7, PSR-17 router

13.0.0 2024-08-07 07:49 UTC


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An experimental PSR-7, PSR-17 router


  • very fast (less than 2ms on simple routing)
  • uses PSR-7 and PSR-17 standards
  • no dependencies besides PSR-7/17

While I consider it still experimental, I have been using it in production to host legend.octopuslabs.io without any issues so far.

introduction for beginners

The purpose of a router is to match a user (client) http request to a specific function that will handle the user request and deliver a response to the client.

PSR-7 defines the request and response interfaces, while PSR-17 defines the factories for creating them. In other words, factories are used to create the request and response objects.

Here's some pseudo-code that explains the concept:

$router = new Router();

$router->addRoute(new Route(RouteType::Exact, 'GET', '/test.php', function (ServerRequestInterface $request) : ResponseInterface {
    return new Response(200, ['content-type' => 'text/plain'], 'You\'ve reached page /test.php');

// create user request from globals
$request = ServerRequestCreator::createFromGlobals($_SERVER, $_FILES, $_COOKIE, $_GET, $_POST);

// resolve finds the function that handles the user request, calls it and returns the function's response
$response = $router->resolve($request);

// send response to client (echoes internally)
(new SapiEmitter())


To play with the demo, clone the repo, run php -S localhost:80 demo/public/index.php -t demo/public/ and open your browser at http://localhost. Alternatively you can run the demo within a Docker container docker-compose up &.


  • composer require 8ctopus/nano-router

  • if you don't have any preference for the PSR-7 implementation, install HttpSoft composer require httpsoft/http-message httpsoft/http-emitter

  • redirect all traffic (except existing files) to the router in .htaccess for those using Apache

RewriteEngine on

# redirect all not existing files and directories to router
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^ index.php [END]

and for nginx (untested)

location / {
    try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php$is_args$args;
  • create index.php
use Oct8pus\NanoRouter\NanoRouter;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;

// use any PSR-7, PSR-17 implementations, here HttpSoft
use HttpSoft\Emitter\SapiEmitter;
use HttpSoft\Message\Response;
use HttpSoft\Message\ServerRequestFactory;
use HttpSoft\Message\Stream;
use HttpSoft\ServerRequest\ServerRequestCreator;

require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$router = new NanoRouter(Response::class, ServerRequestFactory::class);

    // add simple route
    ->addRoute(new Route(RouteType::Exact, 'GET', '/test.php', function (ServerRequestInterface $request) : ResponseInterface {
        $stream = new Stream();

        return new Response(200, [], $stream);
    // add starts with route
    ->addRoute(new Route(RouteType::StartsWith, ['GET', 'POST'], '/test/', function (ServerRequestInterface $request) : ResponseInterface {
        $stream = new Stream();
        $stream->write('request target - '. $request->getRequestTarget());

        return new Response(200, [], $stream);
    // add regex route
    ->addRoute(new Route(RouteType::Regex, '*', '~/php(.*)/~', function (ServerRequestInterface $request) : ResponseInterface {
        $stream = new Stream();
        $stream->write('request target - '. $request->getRequestTarget());

        return new Response(200, [], $stream);
    ->addErrorHandler(404, function (ServerRequestInterface $request) : ResponseInterface {
        $stream = new Stream();
        $stream->write('page not found - ' . $request->getRequestTarget());

        return new Response(404, [], $stream);
    ->addMiddleware('*', '~(.*)~', MiddlewareType::Post, function (ResponseInterface $response, ServerRequestInterface $request) : ResponseInterface {
        return $response->withHeader('X-Powered-By', '8ctopus');

// create request from globals
$request = ServerRequestCreator::createFromGlobals($_SERVER, $_FILES, $_COOKIE, $_GET, $_POST);

// resolve request into a response
$response = $router->resolve($request);

// send response to client
(new SapiEmitter())

advanced functionalities

There is more to it, it's just not in the readme yet, such as:

  • pre and post middleware
  • route exception and generic exception handling

but most of it can be experimented within the demo

run tests

composer test

clean code

composer fix(-risky)

todo ideas

  • add basePath
  • class wrapper for subroutes
  • should pre middleware only work on valid requests? now not valid routes are still going through the middleware probably we need both
  • check psr-15 middleware
  • add starts with middleware
  • how to easily route inside class?