
Symfony bundle that provides easy scaffolding to support RICH applications

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Open Issues: 1


v0.1.1 2025-03-06 18:22 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-12 23:34:16 UTC


This bundle makes it easy to incorporate the RICH architecture into your Symfony application. RICH stands for Request, Input, Command, Handler, and its goal is to make backend web application development as easy, straightforward, and futureproof as possible. RICH applications apply the single responsibility principle to each action a user can take with your application which guarantees that it can mutate over time without unintended consequences.

RICH philosophy

The central philosophy behind a RICH application is to apply to backend engineering what Tailwind CSS did to frontend engineering minus the unecessary complexity of hexagonal architecture, domain driven design, and CQRS.

Tailwind broke CSS down into very loosely coupled atomic components that you can apply as classes to HTML elements. This essentially undoes the Cascading in Cascading Style Sheets, but for good reason: you can safely modify the style of one element without much fear that it will radically alter the layout of your application. This is incredibly powerful for teams of developers: the tenured team member knows that the CSS class .btn-blue makes a full width block level red button across the application, but the developer that started last week doesn't, and he accidentally destroyed the styling of the application with his first PR.

RICH applies these sames principles to backend engineering: each input, command, and handler are separate PHP classes that only have a single responsibility. The naming of these classes should describe an action that can be performed in your application. For example, if your application allows users to be created and updated, you would have CreateUserInput and UpdateUserInput as your input classes, CreateUserCommand and UpdateUserCommand as your command classes, and you guessed it, CreateUserHandler and UpdateUserHandler as your handler classes. Like Tailwind, this may seem redundant and a source of code duplication, but the benefits an architecture like this provide far outweigh the negatives.

RICH structure

Input A request, whether it be from an API request, a form submission, the command line, or elsewhere, is mapped onto an input object. The input object is responsible for manipulating and validating the request data. By default, this bundle uses the serializer and validator components bundled with Symfony, but you're welcome to manually map data and validate it however you see fit.

Input objects can contain some basic logic, but should generally rely on no additional dependencies outside of the standard PHP library.

Command If the request data is valid and successfully mapped to an input object, the input object will create a command object. A command object is as simple of a class as you can get in PHP. Ideally, it should be final, readonly, and use constructor promotion to ensure immutability. A command object is a POPO - Plain Old PHP Object - and should do its best to use scalar primitives (null, bool, int, float, and string), basic arrays, or other POPO's as its properties. In other words, a command object would use an int (or a simple value object) to refer to the primary key of a Doctrine entity rather than the entity itself. Command objects should be so simple they can easily be serialized and deserialized so they can used in an asynchronous message queue.

Handler Once created, the command object is passed to the handler. For the vast majority of applications, this can (and should) be done manually - using an asynchronous message queue is not necessary. However, each handler should assume it is being called entirely statelessly, and hydrate the environment it needs without assuming it already exists. For example, the handler should not be aware of an HTTP request, session data, cookie data, or that an entity it relies on is already being managed by Doctrine.

The handler that runs synchronously today may need to be placed in a message queue tomorrow for a variety of reason and having the foresight to make it stateless today will save you endless headaches tomorrow.

Each handler should contain the business logic necessary to handle the command passed to it. Ideally, handlers should be final and readonly as well to ensure they don't accidentally rely on any previous state to handle a command.

Getting started

Because this is a new bundle, you'll have to manually create the structure for each module in your application. My goal is to leverage the Symfony Maker Bundle to allow you to create the RICH structure for each action similar to how you would create a Doctrine entity.

Install the bundle

Install the bundle using Composer:

composer require 1tomany/rich-bundle

Create module structure

Next, you'll need to create the directory structure for your first module. There is no strict definition on what a module is, other than a set of features that are loosely related to the same domain. To get started, it's easiest to think of a module as being related to each of your "primary" entities.

I recommend the following directory structure for each module:


We'll get into the purpose of each of these soon. You can use the following command to quickly create this structure. Replace <Module> with the actual name of your module (e.g. Account or Invoice).

mkdir -p src/<Module>/{Action/{Command,Handler/Exception,Input,Result},Contract/Exception,Framework/Controller/{Api,Web}}

Moving forward, lets assume we're working on a module named Account for a Doctrine entity also named Account which uses a repository (shockingly) named AccountRepository.

Create contracts

As the name implies, the Contract directory stores contracts to interact with this module. You should have, at minimum, two contracts to start with: a RepositoryInterface and ExceptionInterface. In the Contract directory, create a file named <Entity>RepositoryInterface.php where <Entity> is the Doctrine entity that will use this repository. Create a file named AccountRepositoryInterface.php in src/Account/Contract and populate it with the following code:


namespace App\Account\Contract;

use App\Entity\Account;

interface AccountRepositoryInterface

    public function findOneById(?int $accountId): ?Account;


Again, a RICH application is flexible by nature so you're not required to create a method named findOneById(), but I find it more descriptive and extensible than just find().

A RICH application encourages you to keep your Doctrine entities and repositories in their original locations. There's no reason to struggle with the Doctrine configuration to force each entity to reside in a directory or namespace different than what it expects. While modules remain loosely coupled in a RICH application, entities will always remain tightly coupled, so it's best to leave them in src/Entity.

Assuming the Account entity and AccountRepository repository already exist, update the AccountRepository class to implement your new AccountRepositoryInterface. If you only have a single class implementing an interface, you can inject that interface into a service and Symfony will know to inject an instance of the class implementing it - it's fantastic!


namespace App\Repository;

use App\Entity\Account;
use App\Account\Contract\AccountRepositoryInterface;
use Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\Repository\ServiceEntityRepository;
use Doctrine\Persistence\ManagerRegistry;

* @extends ServiceEntityRepository<Account>
class AccountRepository extends ServiceEntityRepository implements AccountRepositoryInterface

    public function __construct(ManagerRegistry $registry)
        parent::__construct($registry, Account::class);

    * @see App\Account\Contract\AccountRepositoryInterface
    public function findOneById(?int $accountId): ?Account
        if (!$accountId) {
            return null;

        return $this->find($accountId);


We also need an exception interface that all exceptions from this module originate from. This makes it easy for any other module using services from this module to catch all thrown exceptions.

In the src/Account/Contract/Exception directory, create a file named ExceptionInterface.php and populate it with the following code:


namespace App\Account\Contract\Exception;

interface ExceptionInterface extends \Throwable

Create command class

Though the input class is used first, the command class is shared amongst the input and handler classes, so lets start by creating it first. In the src/Account/Action/Command directory, create a file named CreateAccountCommand.php and populate it with the following code:


namespace App\Account\Action\Command;

use OneToMany\RichBundle\Contract\CommandInterface;

final readonly class CreateAccountCommand implements CommandInterface

    public function __construct(
        public ?string $author,
        public string $name,
        public string $company,
        public string $email,
        public ?string $notes,
        public ?\DateTimeImmutable $foundedDate = null,


Create input class

Now that we have a command class, the input class that creates the command class once validated needs to be created. In the src/Account/Action/Input directory, create a file named CreateAccountInput.php and populate it with the following code:


namespace App\Account\Action\Input;

use App\Account\Action\Command\CreateAccountCommand;
use OneToMany\RichBundle\Attribute\SourceRequest;
use OneToMany\RichBundle\Attribute\SourceSecurity;
use OneToMany\RichBundle\Contract\CommandInterface;
use OneToMany\RichBundle\Contract\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert;

use function OneToMany\RichBundle\Function\strlower;
use function OneToMany\RichBundle\Function\strnull;
use function OneToMany\RichBundle\Function\strtrim;

 * @implements InputInterface<CreateAccountCommand>
final class CreateAccountInput implements InputInterface

    public function __construct(
        #[Assert\Length(max: 128)]
        public ?string $author = null {
            set(mixed $v) => strnull($v);

        #[Assert\Length(min: 4, max: 128)]
        public string $name = '' {
            set(mixed $v) => strtrim($v);

        #[Assert\Length(min: 4, max: 48)]
        public string $company = '' {
            set(mixed $v) => strtrim($v);

        #[Assert\Length(max: 128)]
        public string $email = '' {
            set(mixed $v) => strlower($v);

        #[Assert\Length(max: 1024)]
        public ?string $notes = null {
            set(mixed $v) => strnull($v);

        public ?\DateTimeImmutable $foundedDate = null {
            set(mixed $v) => $v instanceof \DateTimeImmutable ? $v : null;

    public function toCommand(): CommandInterface
        return new CreateAccountCommand(...[
            'author' => $this->author,
            'name' => $this->name,
            'company' => $this->company,
            'email' => $this->email,
            'notes' => $this->notes,
            'foundedDate' => $this->foundedDate,


Create handler class

Wire to a controller