New Releases RSS
- allmega/authv1.0.0 Authentication system for Allmega CMS
- wegar/userv1.0.15 Webman plugin wegar/user
- sparkproxy/spark-sdk-php0.5.0 SparkProxy Open API SDK for PHP
- wegar/userv1.0.14 Webman plugin wegar/user
- wegar/basicv1.0.10 Webman plugin wegar/basic
- n7e/wordpress-assets0.1.0 A WordPress assets abstraction.
- freedomtech-hosting/polydock-app-amazeeio-genericv0.0.60 Polydock App - Generic
- leo108/geolite2-dbv2.207.0 This repository aims to provide an easy solution to require
- marjose123/filament-webhook-server2.2.0 Send webhooks from your filament apps
- fagai/zengin-code2.0.20250323 PHP implementation to get ZenginCode.
New Packages RSS
- n7e/wordpress-assets A WordPress assets abstraction.
- rareform/craft-prune A package for Craft CMS to prune objects
- semmelsamu/commonmark-extensions Custom Markdown extensions for CommonMark PHP
- t3starter/iconpack-flagicons This Extension registers an Iconpack-Provider for EXT:iconpa
- nfgarching/laravel-bootstrap-starter Laravel 12 Template with Livewire Auth + Bootstrap 5.3
- chappy-php/chappy-php Starter project for Chappy PHP Framework.
- chappy-php/chappy-php-framework A lightweight and extensible PHP MVC framework.
- inpvlsa/magento-clockwork Development tool for Magento 2 with timeline, database queri
- beastbytes/token-db Token database storage
- beastbytes/token-php Yii Token PHP storage
Popular Packages View All
- symfony/deprecation-contracts A generic function and convention to trigger deprecation not
- symfony/polyfill-mbstring Symfony polyfill for the Mbstring extension
- psr/log Common interface for logging libraries
- psr/container Common Container Interface (PHP FIG PSR-11)
- symfony/console Eases the creation of beautiful and testable command line in
- psr/http-message Common interface for HTTP messages
- symfony/polyfill-intl-normalizer Symfony polyfill for intl's Normalizer class and related fun
- symfony/service-contracts Generic abstractions related to writing services
- guzzlehttp/psr7 PSR-7 message implementation that also provides common utili
- guzzlehttp/promises Guzzle promises library
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Random Packages
- duxphp/bank-card Get the bank card info
- doublesecretagency/craft-cpcss Add custom CSS to your Control Panel.
- doublesecretagency/craft-cpjs Add custom JavaScript to your Control Panel.
- jongotlin/identity-number-bundle
- avtocod/specs Specifications repository
- doublesecretagency/craft-cpbodyclasses Adds special classes to the Control Panel's <body> tag.
- rystlee/laravel-scout-elasticsearch ElasticSearch Driver For Laravel Scout
- mrpvision/gluu Package SCIM 2.0 User Management of the Gluu Server
- apache-fork/thrift Apache Thrift RPC system
- sunnnnn/yii2-widgets-select select widget for yii2-admin or Yii2 frame