websafe member since: Dec 16, 2012

websafe's packages

  • Shell


    Composed Application Quickstarter

  • PHP


    A library of ZF2 View Helpers for retrieving information about current application's local Git repository.

  • PHP


    Repackaged PHP handler from Blueimp Jquery-File-Upload. Composer and autoloader ready. Contains only the PHP handler class. Install frontend assets with bower.

  • PHP


    Draft library of PHP classes for handling HRD pricelists.

  • PHP


    A ZF2 module which takes care of detecting an optimal and/or the requested locale for Your application's translator. The locale is computed/detected basing on values found in: Accept-Language header, cookie, session, query parameter and route parameter. Each detection method can be disabled/enabled via configuration.

  • Shell


    Multi language pack module for the ZF-Commons/ZfcUser module. Currently contains: de_DE, ja_JP, pl_PL translations.

  • PHP


    German de_DE translation / language pack module for the [ZF-Commons/ZfcUser] module. Deutsche Übersetzung / Sprachdatei Modul für das [ZF-Commons/ZfcUser] Modul.

  • PHP


    Japanese ja_JP translation / language pack module for the [ZF-Commons/ZfcUser] module. Japanese ja_JP translation / language pack module for the [ZF-Commons/ZfcUser] module.

  • PHP


    Polish pl_PL translation / language pack module for the [ZF-Commons/ZfcUser] module. Moduł polskiego tłumaczenia / paczka językowa dla modułu [ZF-Commons/ZfcUser].