Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
Swoole coroutine task kit
299 143
fastcgi protocol parser
3 1
Swlib-HTTP base class repository, PSR implementation
127 303 12
Swoole coroutine HTTP client
127 551 987
Swoole Coroutine SQL component like PDO
9 628 62
Swlib Toolkit
126 496 11
Assertions to validate method input/output with nice error messages.
5 333 2
Grpc PHP Client base on Swoole Http2 Coroutine
2 585 200
15 425 200
IDE help files for Swoole.
4 713 356 507
Library of Swoole
4 034 245
A script to prevent your program from dying
24 1
PHP extension stub generator
1 4
Modern strong-typed interfaces for Psr7, not only HTTP but also WebSocket
388 606 3
Coroutine-based multi-platform support engine with a focus on concurrent I/O
1 525 948 1 219