priyadi member since: Jun 20, 2013

priyadi's packages

  • PHP


    Contoh HTTP client untuk keperluan mengakses API ke aplikasi-aplikasi buatan Clarus IT.

  • PHP


    A set of tools to simplify working with API Platform in your projects. Comes with guides, patterns, and practical examples for building API Platform-based projects.

  • PHP


    Common library required by other components of the rekalogika/collections library

  • PHP


    Interfaces and nominal classes for the rekalogika/collections library.

  • PHP


    Transforms a Doctrine Collection object into our Recollection object, which extends Collection itself but also extends PageableInterface from our rekalogika/rekapager library.

  • PHP


    Lazy-loading collection class using Doctrine ORM QueryBuilder as the data source

  • PHP


    Simple implementation of PropertyAccessorInterface that reads and writes directly to the object's properties, bypassing getters and setters.

  • PHP


    Lets you easily create decorator classes to dynamically modify the behaviors of Doctrine Collection objects, including the collection objects used by Doctrine ORM in your entities.

  • PHP


    Domain Event Implementation for Symfony and Doctrine

  • PHP


    Interfaces, Traits and Nominal Classes used by Domain Entities Implementing Domain Events

  • PHP


    Implementation of the transactional outbox pattern on top of rekalogika/domain-event

  • PHP


    High-level file abstraction library built on top of Flysystem. It lets you work with file objects in an object-oriented manner. A file object represents a file in a Flysystem filesystem. It can be a local file or a file in a cloud storage, the library lets you work with them in the same way.

  • PHP


    Handles the association between Doctrine entities and files using the rekalogika/file framework, including from file uploads.

  • PHP


    Interface for file association. To be implemented in entities that support file association.

  • PHP


    Utilities for handling files inside domain entities: EmbeddedMetadata for embedding metadata inside Doctrine entities, AbstractFile for creating one-to-many relations with files, and NullFile to handle cases in domain entities where a file must be present but is missing in the storage backend.