Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
CMS Theme - based on shards
8 781 1
SEO Tab - based on squarespace
12 888 0
Font Settings - based on that thing I saw a few years ago
6 344 0
Silverstripe Shop modules
105 0
Silverstripe Automagic Form Filling Thing
506 2
Silverstripe Flat CMS Module
4 641 2
Gradify php implementation SilverStirpe
150 0
Silverstripe Open Graph Module
8 113 6
Silverstripe content blocks module
12 858 0
SilverStripe Boilerplate
172 5
Silverstripe Shop (SilverShop) API
992 1
Boilerplate Installer
1 2
CMS Theme Module
141 2
Silverstripe Color Field
99 2
Silverstripe Design Field
42 1