Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
Configurable HashId Trait for Laravel Eloquent models
444 7
Native PHP GIF Encoder/Decoder
4 279 360 43
HTTP Authentication Management for PHP
8 612 220 88
PHP image manipulation
149 368 034 14 517
libvips driver for Intervention Image
162 11
Laravel Integration of Intervention Image
1 153 752 78
Symfony Integration of Intervention Image
5 375 4
PHP MIME Type Sniffer
220 695 23
Searchable local Pinboard mirror
7 3
Additional validation rules for the Laravel framework
4 668 464 604
Zodiac sign calculator
139 877 45
Easier handling and formating of strings and dates
4 651 9
Caching extension for the Intervention Image Class
8 032 155 662
Quick flash message setup for Laravel
789 7