Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
Converter and wrapping object for a number (float or integer) value
23 501 2
Changes of an object fetched from debug_backtrace
1 509 1
PHP API for Firebase Cloud Messaging from Google
106 1
Persists the last request into a file in JSON
7 0
Cleanse text from diacritics and special characters
134 0
Creates push package for Apple / Safari web push notifications
22 0
Lightweight scalar-type container
30 151 2
Enumeration with scalar values
662 0 allows sending paid SMS via API
13 0
Base object, checking access to undefined properties and methods
45 573 3
Lightweight string wrapper
25 066 2
Enumeration with strings only
155 0
Mockery test helper ensuring mocked method exists
327 0
40 299 2
Builds HTML from HTML files, markdown or PHP script
393 0