Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
Yii2 Media to manage a files on Yii2 site.
564 2
Yii2 Menu to create, manage, and delete dynamic menus in a Yii2 site.
1 037 10
Multi Language support for Yii2 Framework.
5 654 10
Yii2 Paypal to manage Paypal Payments on your Yii 2 project
2 111 2
Yii2 Plupload Extension
31 0
Yii2 QR Code to create QR Code with yii2 framework
109 0
Yii2 Satispay to manage Satispay Payments on your Yii 2 project
156 0
Yii2 Component to manage SEO data and metadata
1 082 1
Yii2 Database settings porting from pheme/yii2-settings
230 1
Yii2 Simple HTML Dom
1 105 0
Yii2 integration for TinyPng
1 152 3
Yii2 Traits
6 261 11
Module to extend funtionalities of Yii2 User by Dektrium.
3 760 7
Yii2 TCPDF to load TCPDF libraries in a Yii2 site.
354 1