Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
An easy command line utility for spying on RabbitMQ exchanges
232 20
PHP WebSocket library
16 937 611 6 351
Asynchronous WebSocket client
5 595 021 587
RFC6455 WebSocket protocol handler
18 663 123 219
Async utilities and fibers for ReactPHP
4 245 254 203
Async, Promise-based cache interface for ReactPHP
47 702 223 400
Event-driven library for executing child processes with ReactPHP.
22 470 447 311
Event-driven UDP datagram socket client and server for ReactPHP
512 517 94
Async DNS resolver for ReactPHP
48 976 480 493
Silex wired with radioactive caffeine.
228 119
ReactPHP's core reactor event loop that libraries can use for evented I/O.
69 560 398 1 263
Asynchronous filesystem abstraction.
173 953 137
Event-driven, streaming HTTP client and server implementation for ReactPHP
18 467 075 754
Async MySQL database client for ReactPHP.
296 357 337
Partial function application.
305 620 115