Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
Horde Blowfish encryption library
102 788 0
Horde exception handler library
104 650 0
Horde IDNA normalization library
101 419 0
Horde IMAP client library
101 924 3
Horde list headers parsing library
101 267 0
Horde mail library
101 237 1
MIME library
101 530 0
Native language support library
0 0
Horde secret key encryption library
101 080 0
Horde network socket client library
102 089 0
Horde PHP streams library
101 461 0
Horde PHP stream filters library
101 355 0
Horde PHP stream wrappers library
102 963 0
Horde internationalized strings preparation library
83 152 0
Horde Supporting library
103 196 0