Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
RdsDataService client, part of the AWS SDK provided by AsyncAws.
4 738 1
Rekognition client, part of the AWS SDK provided by AsyncAws.
12 777 2
Route53 client, part of the AWS SDK provided by AsyncAws.
7 843 0
S3 client, part of the AWS SDK provided by AsyncAws.
6 326 776 45
Scheduler client, part of the AWS SDK provided by AsyncAws.
11 501 0
SecretsManager client, part of the AWS SDK provided by AsyncAws.
134 465 0
SES client, part of the AWS SDK provided by AsyncAws.
5 916 721 38
A simple S3 client that are easy to work with.
2 840 382 11
SNS client, part of the AWS SDK provided by AsyncAws.
2 525 105 6
SQS client, part of the AWS SDK provided by AsyncAws.
7 986 001 17
SSM client, part of the AWS SDK provided by AsyncAws.
412 612 1
Sso client, part of the AWS SDK provided by AsyncAws.
69 168 0
StepFunctions client, part of the AWS SDK provided by AsyncAws.
42 508 0
Timestream Query client, part of the AWS SDK provided by AsyncAws.
6 181 0
Translate client, part of the AWS SDK provided by AsyncAws.
1 417 2