Kunstmaan member since: Aug 01, 2012

Kunstmaan's packages

  • PHP


    The KunstmaanPagePartBundle forms the basis of our content management framework. A page built using a composition of blocks names pageparts. These pageparts allow you to fully separate the data from the presentation so non-technical webmasters can manage the website. Every page can have it's own list of possible pageparts, and pageparts are easy to create for your specific project to allow for rapid development.

  • PHP


    This bundle adds a way to configure redirects from the backend.

  • PHP


    The KunstmaanSearchBundle works with ElasticSearch and supports different search providers. The bundle currently supports Elastica as a provider. Add your own objects to index using a tagged service which implements the SearchConfigurationInterface

  • PHP


    This bundle generates code for you

  • PHP


    Annotating content with metadata for social sharing and seo purposes cannot be overlooked nowadays. The KunstmaanSeoBundle contains default editing functionality for OpenGraph data, meta descriptions, keywords and titles and Metriweb tags. Because the metatagging and tracking options are always changing, a free field to add custom header information is provided as well.

  • PHP


    A sitemap bundle to generate a sitemap for your Kunstmaan bundles website based on its Nodes

  • PHP


    Skylab is a 100% backwards compatible PHP port of the Python based hosting scripts used at Kunstmaan. By using the Cilex, Symfony Components and lot's of good code samples from the Composer project we hope to create an application where everyone in our organisation can work with, and if issues or new needed features should arise, be able to work on.

  • PHP


    Commandline tool to manage the Kunstmaan Docker development environment

  • PHP


    Uses FabienPennequin/DoctrineExtensions-Taggable to add tagging to the Kunstmaan bundles

  • PHP


    A bundle which enables editing translations in the admin interface without need for editing the translations files. Translations will be stored in a (default) database and retrieved on the most efficient way possible.

  • PHP


    This bundle adds user, group & role settings in the backend.

  • PHP


    The KunstmaanUtilitiesBundle makes your life easier by providing a couple of small but usefull helper services you can use and re-use in your applications. We already implemented an easy to use cipher service and a shell helper service for you but feel free to send in a pull request with your additions. The shell helper allows you to run apps in the background, see if a process is running and has a method to kill a running process. The cipher service allow you to encode and decode strings using the Rijndael 256 cipher

  • PHP


    A lot of sites enable users to vote or participate in actions where Facebook Likes are counted and rewarded. The KunstmaanVotingBundle was created to allow a faster setup of that kind of actions and will provide a backlog of votes your users casted. That way you can look for irregularities and automatically stop campains when their deadline has expired. It will provice support for votes on your site only but also for external social networks as Facebook so you can worry about you ideas and not how to implement it.

  • PHP


    Symfony2 KunstmaanAdminNodeBundle


  • PHP


    The "Kunstmaan Bundles CMS Standard Edition" distribution

    Abandoned! See kunstmaan/cms-skeleton