ArminVieweg member since: Jun 04, 2015

ArminVieweg's packages

  • PHP


    TYPO3 CMS backend module to view mbox file contents, like an email client.

  • PHP


    Extends TYPO3's compressor for JS and CSS with minifier. This may save you up to 60% of default compressed file size. Also compresses HTML output of TYPO3. Full composer support.

  • PHP


    Create powerful, dynamic page teasers with data from page properties and its content elements. Based on Extbase and Fluid Template Engine.

  • JavaScript


    Prevents scroll jumps in TYPO3 CMS backend.

  • arminvieweg/dce

    Best FlexForm based content elements since 2012. With TCA mapping feature, simple backend view and much more features which makes it super easy to create own content element types.

    Abandoned! See t3/dce

  • arminvieweg/pw_teaser

    Create powerful, dynamic page teasers with data from page properties and its content elements. Based on Extbase and Fluid Template Engine.

    Abandoned! See t3/pw_teaser

  • arminvieweg/tinysource

    Tinysource has been merged with EXT:min. Use this extension instead.

    Abandoned! See instituteweb/min

  • instituteweb/mana

    Extension based on TYPO3 to manage continuous integration for web projects.


  • instituteweb/mana-project

    Continuous Integration Management - based on TYPO3 CMS


  • instituteweb/min

    Extends TYPO3's compressor for JS and CSS with minifier. This may save you up to 60% of default compressed file size. Also compresses HTML output of TYPO3. Full composer support.

    Abandoned! See t3/min

  • instituteweb/pw_comments

    Powerful extension for providing comments, including replies on comments and voting.

    Abandoned! See t3/pw_comments

  • instituteweb/typo3-cms

    Fork of TYPO3 CMS with production files only. TYPO3 CMS is a free open source Content Management Framework initially created by Kasper Skaarhoj and licensed under GNU/GPL.

    Abandoned! See typo3/cms

  • t3/cms-extended

    Extended typo3/minimal meta package, including typo3_console.


  • PHP


    Powerful TYPO3 CMS extension for providing comments, including replies on comments and votings, as well as mail notifications.

    Abandoned! See teamneusta/pw_comments

  • PHP


    Save with shortcuts. Adds the possibility to use the keyboard shortcut CTRL+S to save in TYPO3 CMS backend.
