zestic / pest-plugin-graphql
Test your PHP GraphQL server in style, with Pest!
Fund package maintenance!
- php: ^8.1
- pestphp/pest: ^2.0
- pestphp/pest-plugin: ^2.0.1
- psr/http-message: ^1.0
- webonyx/graphql-php: >=15
- zestic/graphql-simple-client: ^0.1.0
Requires (Dev)
- laminas/laminas-diactoros: ^2.6
- pestphp/pest-dev-tools: ^2.16.0
Test your GraphQL API in style, with Pest!
Simply install through Composer!
composer require --dev zestic/pest-plugin-graphql
In your .env
file, set the testing url
To organize your tests, create an Api
directory in your tests
Make sure your namespace is set up correctly in the composer.json
"autoload-dev": { "psr-4": { "Tests\\": "tests/" } }
Finally, in your Pest.php file add the following line:
What's Added?
- Test your schema as code;
- Assert PSR-7 GraphQL response data and errors;
- Testing resolvers (Coming Soon!);
schema(string|Schema $document)
toHaveDirective(string $directive)
toHaveEnum(string $enum)
toHaveInput(string $input)
toHaveInterface(string $interface)
toHaveScalar(string $scalar)
toHaveType(string $type)
toHaveUnion(string $union)
toHavePath(string $path, $value = null)
toHaveData(array $data)
toHaveErrors(array $errors)
And more on the way!
schema(string|Schema $document)
Create a new expectation with a GraphQL\Type\Schema
instance as the underlying
test('my schema')->schema(); it('is my schema')->schema(); Pest\GraphQl\schema();
You can also provide an alternative schema path or document contents, like so.
it('uses any schema you want')->schema(sprintf('%s/../app/schema.graphql', __DIR__)); test('inline content')->schema(<<<'GRAPHQL' type Query { foo: Int bar: Int } GRAPHQL); it('even uses your instance')->schema(AcmeSchemaBuilder::build());
Assert that the schema is valid and written to the GraphQL specification.
it('validates your schema')->schema()->isValidSdl();
toHaveDirective(string $directive)
Assert that the given directive definition exists with the schema document.
it('has a directive')->schema()->toHaveDirective('auth') it('will also use base classnames')->schema()->toHaveDirective(Auth::class);
toHaveEnum(string $enum)
Assert that the given enum definition exists with the schema document.
it('has an enum')->schema()->toHaveEnum('Status') it('will also use base classnames')->schema()->toHaveEnum(Status::class);
toHaveInput(string $input)
Assert that the given input definition exists with the schema document.
it('has a input')->schema()->toHaveInput('Message') it('will also use base classnames')->schema()->toHaveInput(Message::class);
toHaveInterface(string $interface)
Assert that the given interface definition exists with the schema document.
it('has a interface')->schema()->toHaveInterface('Notification') it('will also use base classnames')->schema()->toHaveInterface(Notification::class);
toHaveScalar(string $scalar)
Assert that the given scalar definition exists with the schema document.
it('has a scalar')->schema()->toHaveScalar('Date') it('will also use base classnames')->schema()->toHaveScalar(Date::class);
toHaveType(string $type)
Assert that the given (object) type has been defined within the schema document.
it('has mutations')->schema()->toHaveType('Mutation'); test('user defined types too')->schema()->toHaveType('User'); it('will also use your base classnames')->schema()->toHaveType(User::class);
toHaveUnion(string $union)
Assert that the given union definition exists with the schema document.
it('has a union')->schema()->toHaveUnion('Character') it('will also use your base classnames')->schema()->toHaveUnion(Character::class);
Assert that an underlying (PSR-7) response value is a compliant with the GraphQL specification.
test('response validity') ->expect($response) // a Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface instance ->toBeGraphQlResponse();
toHavePath(string $path, $value = null)
Assert that the underlying GraphQL response contains data at the given path. Optionally provide a value to be checked as well!
it('reads paths') ->expect($response) // a Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface instance ->toHavePath('foo') ->toHavePath('foo', 1) ->not() ->toHavePath('foo.bar') ->not() ->toHavePath('foo', 0);
toHaveData(array $data)
Assert that the underlying response GraphQL data is canonically equal to the expected data.
it('contains response data') ->expect($response) // a Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface instance ->toHaveData([ 'foo' => 1, ]);
toHaveErrors(array $errors)
Assert that the underlying response GraphQL errors are canonically equal to the expected set of errors.
it('has errors') ->expect($response) // a Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface instance ->toHaveErrors([ [ 'message' => 'Oops, I did it again', 'locations' => [['line' => 1, 'column' => 5]], 'path' => ['foo'], ], ]);
This repository was based off of the Pest Plugin Template.
Pest was created by Nuno Maduro under the Sponsorware license. It got open-sourced and is now licensed under the MIT license.