
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the symfony/rate-limiter package instead.

A generic fixed window rate limiting throttle with an intuitive and fluent API that supports multiple backends.

dev-master / 1.x-dev 2020-11-12 12:55 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-11-12 12:55:46 UTC


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A generic fixed window rate limiting throttle with an intuitive and fluent API that supports multiple backends.

use Zenstruck\Governator\ThrottleFactory;
use Zenstruck\Governator\Exception\QuotaExceeded;

try {
    $quota = ThrottleFactory::for('redis://localhost') // create using the redis backend
        ->throttle('something') // the "resource" to throttle
        ->allow(10) // the number of "hits" allowed in the "window"
        ->every(60) // the duration of the "window"
        ->acquire() // "acquire" a lock on the throttle, increasing it's "hit" count

    $quota->hits(); // 1
    $quota->remaining(); // 9
    $quota->resetsIn(); // 60 (seconds)
    $quota->resetsAt(); // \DateTimeInterface (+60 seconds)
} catch (QuotaExceeded $e) {
    // The lock could not be "acquired"
    $e->resetsIn(); // 50 (seconds)
    $e->resetsAt(); // \DateTimeInterface (+50 seconds)
    $e->hits(); // 11
    $e->remaining(); // 0


  1. Installation
  2. Usage
    1. Fluent Throttle Builder
    2. ThrottleFactory factory
    3. Resource Prefix
  3. Available Stores
    1. Psr6 Cache Store
    2. Psr16 Cache Store
    3. Redis Store
    4. Memory Store
    5. Unlimited Store
  4. Cookbook
    1. Symfony Integration
      1. Throttle Controller
      2. QuotaExceeded Exception Subscriber
      3. Login Throttle
      4. API Request Throttle
      5. Message Handler "Funnel" Throttle
  5. Credit


$ composer require zenstruck/governator


There are several different rate limiting throttle strategies. This library uses the fixed window strategy. The window is defined with a limit and a duration. The hits are tracked within the duration. If a hit within the duration exceeds the limit, it is rejected (exception thrown).

A throttle has the following pieces:

  1. Store: this is the backend that persists the throttle (see Available Stores).
  2. Resource: a string representation of the resource you wish to throttle. Typically, a name and something to distinguish different throttles per user like the request IP/username (ie login-$ip-$username).
  3. Limit: the number of hits allowed within the window.
  4. TTL: the duration (in seconds) of the window.
  5. Quota: the current state of the throttle.

Throttle's are created from a ThrottleFactory. Let's create a throttle for the resource "something" that allows 5 hits every 10 seconds:

use Zenstruck\Governator\Store;
use Zenstruck\Governator\ThrottleFactory;

/** @var Store $store */

$throttle = (new ThrottleFactory($store))->create('something', 5, 10); // instance of Zenstruck\Governator\Throttle

Hitting the throttle returns a Quota object with details about the current state of the throttle:

use Zenstruck\Governator\Throttle;

/** @var Throttle $throttle */

$quota = $throttle->hit(); // instance of Zenstruck\Governator\Quota

$quota->hits(); // 1
$quota->remaining(); // 4
$quota->resetsIn(); // 10 (seconds)
$quota->resetsAt(); // \DateTimeInterface (+10 seconds)
$quota->hasBeenExceeded(); // false


$quota = $throttle->hit();

$quota->hits(); // 2
$quota->remaining(); // 3
$quota->resetsIn(); // 7 (seconds)
$quota->resetsAt(); // \DateTimeInterface (+7 seconds)

If hitting the throttle exceeds the limit within the window, a Quota is still returned. The Quota::check() method throws a QuotaExceeded exception if exceeded:

use Zenstruck\Governator\Exception\QuotaExceeded;
use Zenstruck\Governator\Throttle;

/** @var Throttle $throttle */

try {
    $throttle->hit()->check(); // instance of Quota
    $throttle->hit()->check(); // instance of Quota
    $throttle->hit()->check(); // instance of Quota

    // Continuing from the example above, this "hit" throws the exception as it will cause the limit of
    // 5 to be exceeded (within the 10 second window).
} catch (QuotaExceeded $e) {
    $e->resetsIn(); // 7 (seconds)
    $e->resetsAt(); // \DateTimeInterface (+7 seconds)
    $e->hits(); // 6
    $e->remaining(); // 0

You can use the ->aquire() method to always throw a QuotaExceeded exception without calling check:

use Zenstruck\Governator\Throttle;

/** @var Throttle $throttle */

// Continuing from our example above, this will throw a QuotaExceeded exception
$throttle->acquire(); // equivalent to $throttle->hit()->check()

The ->acquire() method can optionally take a block for parameter in seconds. If, when hitting the throttle, it is exceeded, this is the maximum number of seconds to block the process waiting for the throttle to reset. If the time to reset is greater than the passed seconds, no blocking will occur, and it will throw a QuotaExceeded exception immediately.

use Zenstruck\Governator\Throttle;

/** @var Throttle $throttle */

// Continuing from our example above, this will throw a QuotaExceeded exception immediately
// because the passed block for time is less than the window's TTL of 7 seconds.
$throttle->acquire(5); // throws QuotaExceeded exception

// This will block the process for 7 seconds (the time until the throttle resets) before
// returning a Quota object.
$throttle->acquire(10); // returns Quota (no exception)

You can get the status of a throttle (without increasing its "hits") with the ->status() method.

use Zenstruck\Governator\Throttle;

/** @var Throttle $throttle */

$quota = $throttle->status(); // assumes the throttle is empty

$quota->hits(); // 0


$throttle->status()->hits(); // 2

A throttle can be reset early:

use Zenstruck\Governator\Throttle;

/** @var Throttle $throttle */


Fluent Throttle Builder

Throttles can alternatively be created via a fluent interface:

use Zenstruck\Governator\ThrottleFactory;

/** @var ThrottleFactory $factory */

$factory->throttle('something')->allow(5)->every(10)->create(); // instance of Zenstruck\Governator\ThrottleFactory

// easily build resources
$factory->throttle('a', 'b')->with('c', 'd')->allow(5)->every(10)->create(); // resource = "abcd"

// call throttle methods directly

ThrottleFactory factory

Throttle Factory's can be created using the ::for() named constructor. You can pass an object or string (DSN), if supported, it will create the factory based on this:

use Zenstruck\Governator\ThrottleFactory;

$factory = ThrottleFactory::for($objectOrDsn);

See the Available Stores section below for available objects/DSNs.

Resource Prefix

You can customize the prefix for all your throttle resources (the default is throtte_). The prefix prevents conflicts with other services using the same backend as your store. It also helps when auditing your store's backend.

use Zenstruck\Governator\Store;
use Zenstruck\Governator\ThrottleFactory;

/** @var Store $store */

$factory = new ThrottleFactory($store, 'my-prefix_');

// alternative
$factory = ThrottleFactory::for($objectOrDsn, 'my-prefix-');

Available Stores

Psr6 Cache Store

use Zenstruck\Governator\Store\Psr6CacheStore;
use Zenstruck\Governator\ThrottleFactory;

/** @var \Psr\Cache\CacheItemPoolInterface $cache */

$factory = new ThrottleFactory(new Psr6CacheStore($cache));

// alternative
$factory = ThrottleFactory::for($cache);

Psr16 Cache Store

use Zenstruck\Governator\Store\Psr16CacheStore;
use Zenstruck\Governator\ThrottleFactory;

/** @var \Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface $cache */

$factory = new ThrottleFactory(new Psr16CacheStore($cache));

// alternative
$factory = ThrottleFactory::for($cache);

Redis Store

use Zenstruck\Governator\Store\RedisStore;
use Zenstruck\Governator\ThrottleFactory;

/** @var \Redis|\RedisArray|\RedisCluser|Predis\ClientInterface $redis */

$factory = new ThrottleFactory(new RedisStore($redis));

// alternatives
$factory = ThrottleFactory::for($redis);

// this requires symfony/cache - see: https://symfony.com/doc/current/components/cache/adapters/redis_adapter.html#configure-the-connection
// for all DSN options
$factory = ThrottleFactory::for('redis://localhost');

Memory Store

This store maintains the throttle in memory and is reset at the end of the current PHP process.

use Zenstruck\Governator\Store\MemoryStore;
use Zenstruck\Governator\ThrottleFactory;

$factory = new ThrottleFactory(new MemoryStore());

// alternative
$factory = ThrottleFactory::for('memory');

Unlimited Store

This store never allows the throttle to exceed its quota regardless of how the throttle was created (useful for tests).

use Zenstruck\Governator\Store\UnlimitedStore;
use Zenstruck\Governator\ThrottleFactory;

$factory = new ThrottleFactory(new UnlimitedStore());

// alternative
$factory = ThrottleFactory::for('unlimited');


Symfony Integration

To use Governator in Symfony, register ThrottleFactory as a service:

# config/services.yaml

# create with a PSR-6 Store
    arguments: ['@cache.app']
    factory: [Zenstruck\Governator\ThrottleFactory, 'for']

# create with a redis store
    arguments: ['@my_redis_client'] # \Redis|\RedisArray|\RedisCluser|Predis\ClientInterface (registered elsewhere)
    factory: [Zenstruck\Governator\ThrottleFactory, 'for']

# create with a redis DSN (see https://symfony.com/doc/current/components/cache/adapters/redis_adapter.html#configure-the-connection)
    arguments: ['%env(REDIS_THROTTLE_DSN)%'] # REDIS_THROTTLE_DSN=redis://localhost (in your .env)
    factory: [Zenstruck\Governator\ThrottleFactory, 'for']

# customize the prefix
    arguments: ['@cache.app', 'my-prefix-']
    factory: [Zenstruck\Governator\ThrottleFactory, 'for']

Throttle Controller

One scenario is to rate limit a specific controller (assumes ThrottleFactory is registered as a service):

use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Zenstruck\Governator\ThrottleFactory;

 * @Route("/page", name="page")
public function index(Request $request, ThrottleFactory $factory)
    // only allow 5 requests every 10 seconds per IP
    $factory->throttle('page', $request->getClientIp())->allow(5)->every(10)->acquire();

    // the above line with throw a QuotaExceeded exception if the limit has been exceeded

    // ...your controller's code as normal...

If your controller requires authentication, rate limit based on the username:

use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\UserInterface;
use Zenstruck\Governator\ThrottleFactory;

 * @Route("/page", name="page")
public function index(UserInterface $user, ThrottleFactory $factory)
    // only allow 5 requests every 10 seconds per username
    $factory->throttle('page', $user->getUsername())->allow(5)->every(10)->acquire();

    // the above line with throw a QuotaExceeded exception if the limit has been exceeded

    // ...your controller's code as normal...

Combine the above two (if your controller allows anonymous and authenticated users):

use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\UserInterface;
use Zenstruck\Governator\ThrottleFactory;

 * @Route("/page", name="page")
public function index(Request $request, ThrottleFactory $factory, UserInterface $user = null)
    if ($user) { // authenticated
        // allow 100 requests every 60 seconds per username (authenticated users have a higher rate limit)
        $factory->throttle('page', $user->getUsername())->allow(100)->every(60)->acquire();
    } else { // anonymous
        // allow 5 requests every 10 seconds per IP
        $factory->throttle('page', $request->getClientIp())->allow(5)->every(10)->acquire();

    // ...your controller's code as normal...

A more advanced setup with multiple quota's:

use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\UserInterface;
use Zenstruck\Governator\ThrottleFactory;

 * @Route("/page", name="page")
public function index(UserInterface $user, ThrottleFactory $factory)
    // only allow 10 requests every 10 seconds
    $factory->throttle('page', 'short', $user->getUsername())->allow(10)->every(10)->acquire();

    // additionally, only allow 20 requests every 60 seconds
    $factory->throttle('page', 'long', $user->getUsername())->allow(20)->every(60)->acquire();

    // ...your controller's code as normal...

QuotaExceeded Exception Subscriber

When a QuotaExceeded exception is thrown by a web request, it is converted to a 500 status code by Symfony. We can create an exception subscriber to change this behavior:

// src/EventSubscriber/QuotaExceededSubscriber.php

namespace App\EventSubscriber;

use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Event\ExceptionEvent;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\TooManyRequestsHttpException;
use Zenstruck\Governator\Exception\QuotaExceeded;

class QuotaExceededSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface
    public function onKernelException(ExceptionEvent $event): void
        $exception = $event->getThrowable();

        if (!$exception instanceof QuotaExceeded) {

        // convert QuotaExceeded exception to TooManyRequestsHttpException (429 status code)
        // and add some helpful response headers for the user
        $event->setThrowable(new TooManyRequestsHttpException($exception->resetsIn(), null, $exception, 0, [
            'X-RateLimit-Limit' => $exception->limit(),
            'X-RateLimit-Remaining' => $exception->remaining(),
            'X-RateLimit-Reset' => $exception->resetsAt()->getTimestamp(),

    public static function getSubscribedEvents(): array
        return [
            'kernel.exception' => 'onKernelException',

You can optionally customize the production error page.

Login Throttle

A common requirement for web apps is to rate limit login attempts to prevent abuse. There are several points Governator can help with this. In this example, we'll throttle the attempt in your Guard Authenticator's getCredentials() method:

// your Symfony\Component\Security\Guard\AuthenticatorInterface
// assumes ThrottleFactory was injected to the service and is available as $this->throttleFactory

public function getCredentials(Request $request)
    $credentials = [
        'email' => $request->request->get('email'),
        'password' => $request->request->get('password'),
        'csrf_token' => $request->request->get('_csrf_token'),

    // only allow 5 attempts per email/ip a minute
        ->throttle('login', $request->getClientIp(), $credentials['email'])
        ->acquire() // throws QuotaExceeded if exceeded

    // ...

API Request Throttle

In this example, we'll rate limit an entire section of your site (/api/*). Additionally, we'll provide useful information on the current state of a user's quota as response headers for the consumer:

// src/App/EventSubscriber/ApiThrottleSubscriber.php

namespace App\EventSubscriber;

use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Event\RequestEvent;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Event\ResponseEvent;
use Zenstruck\Governator\Quota;
use Zenstruck\Governator\ThrottleFactory;
use function Symfony\Component\String\s;

class ApiThrottleSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface
    private ThrottleFactory $factory;
    private ?Quota $quota = null;

    public function __construct(ThrottleFactory $factory)
        $this->factory = $factory;

    public function onKernelRequest(RequestEvent $event): void
        if (!$event->isMasterRequest()) {
            // not a "master" request

        if (!s($event->getRequest()->getPathInfo())->startsWith('/api')) {
            // not an api request

        $ip = $event->getRequest()->getClientIp();

        // only allow 5 api requests every 20 seconds
        // and set the returned quota for use in the response listener below
        // let QuotaExceeded exceptions bubble up (to the QuotaExceededSubscriber above)
        $this->quota = $this->factory->throttle('api', $ip)->allow(5)->every(20)->acquire();

    public function onKernelResponse(ResponseEvent $event): void
        if (!$this->quota) {
            // quota was not set for this request

        // add helpful response headers for the consumer
            'X-RateLimit-Limit' => $this->quota->limit(),
            'X-RateLimit-Remaining' => $this->quota->remaining(),
            'X-RateLimit-Reset' => $this->quota->resetsAt()->getTimestamp(),

        $this->quota = null;

    public static function getSubscribedEvents(): array
        return [
            'kernel.request' => 'onKernelRequest',
            'kernel.response' => 'onKernelResponse',

Message Handler "Funnel" Throttle

Imagine a scenario where you want to use a 3rd party service to geocode a user's IP when they login. You handle this with an asynchronous Login event using Symfony Messenger. The problem is, this service has a rate limit of 1 request per 5 seconds. You can use Governator to throttle these requests to a funnel that enforces the service's rate limit. Events that exceed this limit are re-queued:

// src/App/MessageHandler/GeocodeLoginHandler.php

namespace App\MessageHandler;

use App\Message\Login;
use Symfony\Component\Messenger\Handler\MessageHandlerInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Messenger\MessageBusInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Messenger\Stamp\DelayStamp;
use Zenstruck\Governator\Exception\QuotaExceeded;
use Zenstruck\Governator\ThrottleFactory;

final class GeocodeIpHandler implements MessageHandlerInterface
    private ThrottleFactory $throttleFactory;
    private MessageBusInterface $bus;

    public function __construct(ThrottleFactory $throttleFactory, MessageBusInterface $bus)
        $this->throttleFactory = $throttleFactory;
        $this->bus = $bus;

    public function __invoke(Login $message): void
        try {
            // only allow this job to be executed once every 5 seconds
                ->acquire(2) // block for up to 2 seconds to wait for throttle to be available
        } catch (QuotaExceeded $e) {
            // rate limit of service exceeded
            // re-queue with delay
            $this->bus->dispatch($message, [new DelayStamp($e->resetsIn() * 1000)]);


        // the geocoding service is available, do something...

Because the handler is run in the background, we block the throttle hit for up to 2 seconds waiting for the service to become available.


This inspiration for this library's API comes from Laravel and Symfony's Lock Component.