
A Laravel Nova tool.

v1.0.0 2023-05-29 19:46 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:40:10 UTC


Displaying Data




Welcome to the documentation for Compilex - a powerful PHP view compilation package designed to streamline the process of rendering dynamic templates. With Compilex, PHP developers can effortlessly compile templates, replace variables, and handle logical statements, all within a string context. This package aims to provide a flexible and efficient solution for generating dynamic content, allowing developers to focus on crafting exceptional user experiences.

In this documentation, you will find comprehensive information, examples, and guidelines to help you understand and harness the capabilities of Compilex. Whether you are new to view compilation or seeking to enhance your existing workflows, this documentation will serve as a valuable resource to navigate through the features and unleash the full potential of Compilex.

Let's get started and embark on a journey to simplify view compilation in PHP!

Getting Started

You can install the compilex via Composer by running the following command:

composer require zareismail/compilex

After installation, you can use the compiler as follows:

$compiler = new \Zareismail\Compilex\Compilex();

$result = $compiler->compile('complex string containing patterns', [/* Your variables */]);

Display Variables

You may display data that is passed to your Compilex patterns by wrapping the variable in curly braces. You can display the contents of the name variable like so:

Hello, {{ name }}.

For exmaple:

echo $compiler->compile('Hello, {{ name }}.', ['name' => 'COMPILEX']);
// Output: Hello, COMPILEX.

Multiple Variables

You can also display valid value of multiple variables by using the or operator:

Hello, {{ name or firstname or lastname }}.

For exmaple:

echo $compiler->compile('Hello, {{ name or firstname or lastname }}.', ['firstname' => 'COMPILEX']);
// Output: Hello, COMPILEX.

Default Values

If a variable is missing, you can display a default value using a quoted string:

Hello, {{ name or '--' }}.

For exmaple:

echo $compiler->compile('Hello, {{ name or "--" }}.');
// Output: Hello, --.

Basic Of Directives

By default, Compilex supports essential directives. All of the Compilex directives have the following syntax:

{% directive statement %} expression {% enddirective %}

Where the directive can be one of the default directives or any of the custom directives. The statement should satisfy the directive requirements, and the expression can be any renderable string.

Conditional Statements

The conditional statements are useful to render or hide expressions based on a condition. By default, we have two conditional statements: if and unless. You can use the if directive to render an enclosed expression if the condition is true, and the unless directive to render an enclosed expression if the condition is false.

The conditional statements follow the below structure:

{% if leftOperand comparator rightOperand %} expression {% endif %}
{% unless leftOperand comparator rightOperand %} expression {% endunless %}

In addition, the conditional statements support the following comparison operators:

  • Equality Operators:=, ==, eq, equal, is
  • Inequality Operators: >, gt, greater than
  • Partial Equality Operators: >=, gte, greater than or equal

You can generate other comparisons by changing the directive (if/unless). Here are some examples:

echo $compiler->compile('{% if a > b %} a is greater than b {% endif %}', ['a' => 1, 'b' => 2]);
// Output: a is greater than b

echo $compiler->compile('{% unless b > a %} a is greater than b {% endunless %}', ['a' => 1, 'b' => 2]);
// Output: a is greater than b

echo $compiler->compile('{% if a == b %} a is equal to b {% endif %}', ['a' => 1, 'b' => 1]);
// Output: a is equal to b

echo $compiler->compile('{% unless a == b %} a is not equal to b {% endunless %}', ['a' => 1, 'b' => 2]);
// Output: a is not equal to b

Positive Statements

Sometimes you need to render conditional statements only if a variable has a valid value. For this situation, you can change the structure of the conditional statements as follows:

// to render enclosed epression for valid conditions
{% if variableName %} expression {% endif %}
// to render enclosed epression for invalid conditions
{% unless variableName %} expression {% endunless %}

for exmaple:

echo $compiler->compile('{% if a %} a has a valid value {% endif %}', ['a' => true]);
// Output: a has a valid value

echo $compiler->compile('{% unless b %} a doesn't have a valid value {% endunless %}', ['a' => false]);
// Output: a doesn't have a valid value


Compilex also supports loop statements with the following structure:

{% each valueName, indexName of/in variableName %} expression {% endeach %}

The valueName and indexName in the loop structure hold the value and index of your iterative variable. You can access the loop item and index inside the loop expression using these names. The variableName is the name of the attribute that holds your loop data, and of and in are static keywords of the loop structure. You can also omit passing the index name, in which case you can access the loop index using the index keyword.

Here are some examples:

echo $compiler->compile('{% each item, key of items %} index {{ key }} holds {{ item }}, {% endeach %}', ['items' => [1,2]]);
// Output: index 0 holds 1, index 1 holds 2,

echo $compiler->compile('{% each name in names %} The {{ index }} name is: \'{{ name }}\', {% endeach %}', ['names' => ['Jack', 'Joe']]);
// Output: The 0 name is: 'Jack', The 1 name is: 'Joe',

Nested Statements

One of the great features of Compilex is supporting nested directives. This means you can use any of the statements inside other statements, and you can even use statements inside themselves. Here are some examples:

echo $compiler->compile('{% each item, key of items %} {% if key == 0 %} {{ item }} {% endif %} {% endeach %}', ['items' => [1,2]]);
// Output: 1

echo $compiler->compile('{% each numbers of groupedNumbers %} {% each number of numbers %} {{ number }}, {% endeach %} {% endeach %}', ['groupedNumbers' => [[1,2], [3,4]]]);
// Output: 1, 2, 3, 4,

echo $compiler->compile('{% if a > b %} {% if c > d %} I'm here {% endif %} {% endif %}', ['a' => 2, 'b' => 1, 'c' => 3, 'd' => 2]);
// Output: I'm here

Custom Directives

If you need additional directives, you can easily define custom directives using the extend method. Here's an example:

$compiler->extend('any', function ($operand, $expression, $attributes = []) {
    foreach ((array) explode(',', $operand) as $attribute) {
        if ($this->hasAttribute($attribute) && $this->getAttribute($attribute)) {
            return $expression;
    return null;

You can use your custom directive like this:

echo $compiler->compile('{% any a,b %} my directive is working {% endany %}', ['a' => false, 'b' => true]);
// Output: my directive is working

That's it! With these directives and examples, you should be able to harness the power of Compilex in your PHP view compilation.

Happy coding!