
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

CLI helper for local development

0.15.0 2023-01-08 04:10 UTC


Sage is helper for development environment on macOS (High Sierra, Mojave, Catalina and Big Sur on intel).


  1. Since Sage depends on Brew. Install or update Homebrew to the latest version using brew update.
# if not installed
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"

# add the next line into your ~/.bash_profile file (create if not exists)

export PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/sbin:$HOME/bin:$HOME/.composer/vendor/bin"

# if installed

brew update
brew upgrade
  1. Since there is no php by default in macOS it hsould be istalled manually via brew.
brew install shivammathur/php/php@7.3
  1. Download phar package from the latest release and put it in $HOME/bin folder.
curl -L https://github.com/ytorbyk/sage/releases/latest/download/sage.phar > $HOME/bin/bin-sage
chmod +x $HOME/bin/bin-sage
  1. Create $HOME/bin/sage txt file with the next contend
#!/usr/bin/env bash
/usr/local/opt/php@7.3/bin/php "$HOME/bin/bin-sage" "$@"
  1. Make the txt file executable
chown +x $HOME/bin/sage
  1. [Optional step] Customize configuration
# It creates configuration dump ~/xSage/config.php.
# You can customize and move it to ~/.sage/config.php before next step if you want.

sage env:config-dump
  1. Install and configure required environments
# It's automatic, you will prompt to enter your password once and two times MySQL root password.
# If you don't have installed MySQL before, just press enter (there is no password by default).
# After installation MySQL root password is 1 (until you changed it in ~/.sage/config.php config in node mysql.password)

sage env:install
  1. [Optional step] Install Bash completion for the application
sage env:completion
  1. Ready to use
# Displays a list of supported commands with short descriptions

sage list