
Load yml fixtures in pimcore

Installs: 9 801

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 7

Watchers: 11

Forks: 6

Open Issues: 1


5.6.1 2019-11-12 11:04 UTC


Based on Alice

How to install

composer require youwe/pimcore-fixtures

This plugin is only for DEV, do NOT install on a production server

How to load fixtures

You must enable the bundle as followed php bin/console pimcore:bundle:enable FixtureBundle. To check if the bundle is installed correctly php bin/console pimcore:bundle:list. Place your fixtures in /var/bundles/FixtureBundle/fixtures named "001_object_name.yml", "002_object_name.yml" etc.

Example fixture for creating a folder

# 001_folders.yml
# Object folders
        key: products
        path: /
        parentId: 1

Load them with:


php bin/console fixture:load --with-cache

Load individual files with --files comma separated files without yml extension:


php bin/console fixture:load --files filename1,filename2


Go to Extensions \ PimcoreFixtures \ plugin settings \ Load fixtures

Fixtures generator (still beta)


Go to Extensions \ PimcoreFixtures \ plugin settings

  1. Object path: the root where to start generating fixtures
  2. Object name: Recommended would be the object class ex. product, will translate into at [PIMCORE_ROOT]/website/var/plugins/PimcoreFixtures/fixtures/000_product.yml
  3. Max level deep: Will stop at the specified level (default 1) and if greater then 1 then level will be appended to filename
  4. Click generate. The generated files should be at [PIMCORE_ROOT]/website/var/plugins/PimcoreFixtures/fixtures/*.yml


php bin/console fixtures:generate

Delete object/assets/documents

php bin/console fixtures:delete-path  -t object -p /products

Useful links


  • Support for following fields one fixtures:generate

    • Object\ClassDefinition\Data\Classificationstore
    • Object\ClassDefinition\Data\Fieldcollection
    • Object\ClassDefinition\Data\ObjectsMetadata
    • Object\ClassDefinition\Data\MultihrefMetadata
    • Object\ClassDefinition\Data\Objectbricks
  • security checks / user restrictions

  • better error handling in ext-js interface

  • live progress when loading fixtures