xurizaemon / drupal-suggested
Suggested packages for Drupal development.
2020-11-18 19:25 UTC
- behat/behat: *
- behat/mink: *
- behat/mink-extension: *
- behat/mink-goutte-driver: *
- cweagans/composer-patches: *
- dmore/behat-chrome-extension: *
- drupal/drupal-driver: *
- drupal/drupal-extension: *
- integratedexperts/behat-screenshot: *
- integratedexperts/behat-steps: *
- php-http/guzzle6-adapter: *
- phpro/grumphp-shim: *
- rpkamp/mailhog-behat-extension: *
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer: *
Requires (Dev)
A metapackage to install some fine tools to your Drupal project.
What is it?
Requiring this metapackage will ensure that you have:
- Build tools
- Coding standards & checks:
- Behat essentials:
- Behat + Drupal:
- Behat + Chromedriver:
- Behat + Screenshots:
Prep for install
Since you're in the "private beta" program, you'll need to add this "private repo" VCS to your project's composer.json first:
composer config repositories.drupal-suggested vcs https://gitlab.com/xurizaemon/drupal-suggested.git
If this gets blessed, we can release it on Packagist and that won't be required.
composer require xurizaemon/drupal-suggested
This package is tested with:
- Composer v1 and v2 (official docker images)
- Drupal 8.8, 8.9, 9.0