
Library to use OVH PCI Object Storage API with Laravel 4.2.

v2.0.4 2020-10-05 16:01 UTC


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It's a library for Laravel 4.2.

Library to use OVH PCI Object Storage API with Laravel Based on work from : https://github.com/drauta/runabove-laravel.


Install using composer:

composer require wooxo/ovh-swift-laravel "~0.1"

Publish config and complete informations (use OVH API to get Credentials)

php artisan config:publish wooxo/ovh-swift-laravel

Add provider in config.app

'providers' = array(


Get file list

$client = new OvhSwiftLaravel();

Upload a file

$client = new OvhSwiftLaravel();

Get an uploaded file

$client = new OvhSwiftLaravel();

Delete an uploaded file

$client = new OvhSwiftLaravel();

Check if a file exists

$client = new OvhSwiftLaravel();