
A PHP component/library.


A PayPal REST API implementation.

Implemented functionality: Orders v2.




Both table names and field names can be customized.

Table order_payment

Fields to add to an existing table
  • Mandatory: order_reference: implementation specific, eg. VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL,
  • Mandatory: order_total: implementation specific, eg. DECIMAL(10,2) NOT NULL
  • Optional: order_currency: CHAR(3) NOT NULL,
  • Mandatory: order_payment_status VARCHAR(45) DEFAULT NULL,
  • Mandatory: payment_event_date_time DATETIME DEFAULT NULL,
New table example
CREATE TABLE order_payment (
    order_reference VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL,
    order_total DECIMAL(10,2) NOT NULL,
    order_currency CHAR(3) NOT NULL,
    order_payment_status VARCHAR(45) DEFAULT NULL,
    payment_event_date_time DATETIME DEFAULT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY(order_reference)
) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_unicode_ci;

Table payment_access_token

CREATE TABLE payment_access_token (
    token VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
    expire_date_time DATETIME NOT NULL,

    PRIMARY KEY(token)
) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET = utf8mb4 COLLATE = utf8mb4_unicode_ci;


Use environment variables (check example configuration) (app url, default currency, table and fields names);

If not using order level currency, make sure to set the PAYMENT_DEFAULT_CURRENCY options, and leave blank PAYMENT_FIELD_NAME_ORDER_CURRENCY.

If using a very specialized setup and using the configuration is not enough, you can implement \WebServCo\Contract\Storage\Order\OrderPaymentStorageInterface specifically for your project.


An example is located in the directory public/payment.

Copy the files in your local project and adapt the paths.

Note: If a custom implementation is required, check and adapt the code located in src/example_implementation.

Testing the example implementation

  • Create config/.env.ini;
  • Fill paypal info
  • Start project: ddev start
  • Create tables;
  • Create a test order:
INSERT INTO `order_payment` (order_reference, order_total, order_currency) VALUES ('Test1', 123.45, 'EUR');
  • Open payment page: https://paypal.ddev.site/payment/pay.php?orderReference=Test1&languageCode=en

Note: languageCode is optional and only used internally in implementing project. If you set it when initialize the payment, it will arrive as parameter to the PAYMENT_RESULT_LOCATION and the PAYMENT_CANCEL_LOCATION.


[ ] Find a way to suppress Psalm "UnusedVariable" errors.

Not working (generates "UnusedPsalmSuppress" error):

 * @psalm-suppress UnusedVariable
/** @psalm-suppress UnusedVariable */

Reference: Docblock suppression