
Login application that uses Webiny Framework Security component.

Installs: 751

Dependents: 2

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 1

Watchers: 11

Forks: 1


v1.0.1 2017-10-29 17:50 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-14 18:09:37 UTC


This is an application that provides additional control layer to the Webiny Framework Security component. The application standardizes the login process and user stateless token storage, making it ideal for RESTful and mobile applications.

Some of the built-in features:

  • sessions are stored in database and can be revoked at any point
  • authorized devices are also stored in database and can be revoked at any point
  • login whitelist and blacklist based on client IP
  • rate limit control
  • stateless login validation for RESTful application
  • only whitelisted devices can log-in (optional)

Sample config

    SecurityFirewall: Admin
    ValidateDevice: true
    BlockThreshold: 6
    BlockTimelimit: 10
    DeviceTtl: 90
  • SecurityFirewall: defines which Security.Firewall to use for user authentication
  • ValidateDevice: does the device need to be whitelisted before user can login
  • BlockThreshold: after how many bad login attempts should the client be blocked from submitting any new login requests (client is identified as username+ip combination)
  • BlockTimelimit: for how many minutes should the client be blocked from submitting any additional login attempts
  • DeviceTtl: how long should the device session be valid (used only if ValidateDevice is turned on)
  • RateLimitBlacklist: list of IPs that are permanently blocked from submitting login requests
  • RateLimitWhitelist: list of IPs that are excluded from the rate limit control


The Login app requires following Webiny Framework components:

Mongo Indexes

Create the following indexes on your Mongo Database:

db.getCollection('LoginMeta').createIndex({username: 1});
db.getCollection('LoginRateControl').createIndex({ip: 1});

Example setup:


$security = \Webiny\Component\Security\Security::getInstance();
$loginConfig = \Webiny\Component\Config\Config::getInstance()->yaml('./loginConfig.yaml');

$login = new \Webiny\Login\Login($security, $loginConfig);

Once you have the login instance, you can access the methods inside the class directly:

// check if we have the auth cookie and device cookie
$authCookie = \Webiny\Component\Http\Cookie::getInstance()->get('auth-token');
$deviceToken = \Webiny\Component\Http\Cookie::getInstance()->get('device-token');

if ($authCookie && $deviceToken) {
    try {
        $user = $login->getUser($authCookie, $deviceToken);
    } catch (\Webiny\Login\LoginException $le) {
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
    // process login
    try {
        $login->processLogin($username, $deviceToken, $authProvider);
        // if login is successful, return device and auth tokens
        $authToken = $login->getAuthToken();
        return [
            'authToken'   => $authToken,
            'deviceToken' => $deviceToken
    } catch (LoginException $le) {
        $errorMsg = $le->getMessage();
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        return $e;

Security setup

Note that the Security component needs to implement Stateless token storage:

            StorageDriver: \Webiny\Component\Security\Token\Storage\Stateless # storage driver needs to be set to stateless
            SecurityKey: SecretKey
            Token: Stateless

Login services

You can use the Login app as a RESTful service by extending the \Webiny\Login\LoginServices abstract class and implementing it into Webiny Framework Rest component. (view the app/services.php folder for sample implementation)

POST processLogin

This method processes the login request and returns either a login error, or in case of a success, authToken and deviceToken.

The method takes the following parameters via POST:

  • username
  • password
  • authProvider (optional - defines the name of auth provider inside Security.Firewall that should be used to process the request)
  • deviceToken (optional - required only if ValidateDevice is turned on)

Login error codes:

    1. Rate limit reached.
    1. User account is blocked.
    1. Invalid credentials.
    1. User hasn't confirmed his account.
    1. The current device is not on the allowed list.
    1. Either username or password is missing.

POST getDeviceValidationToken

For the provided username, returns deviceValidationToken.

The device validation token is something that can be emailed or sent to the user via SMS or some other form of communication.

The method takes the following parameters via POST:

  • username

POST validateDeviceValidationToken

Validates the provided deviceValidationToken for the given username. If the token matches, deviceToken is returned. This device token needs to be provided to the processLogin method in order to pass the ValidateDevice.

The method takes the following parameters via POST:

  • username
  • deviceValidationToken

POST getAccountActivationToken

In case users account is not activated, you need to request an activation token. Usually this token is then emailed to the user via an activation link.

The method takes the following parameters via POST:

  • username

POST validateAccountActivationToken

Method that validates the provided activation token and either returns a success message, or an error that the token in not valid.

The method takes the following parameters via POST:

  • username
  • accountActivationToken

POST logout

Invalidates the provided auth token for the given user.

The method takes the following parameters via POST:

  • username
  • authToken (the auth token returned by processLogin)

POST generateForgotPasswordResetToken

Generates a forgot password link for the given username.

The method takes the following parameters via POST:

  • username

What doesn't it do

The Login app doesn't:

  • store any cookies or sessions, so all remember me features need to be done on your end
  • it doesn't need to know about your users passwords, this is done via the Security class
  • doesn't email any links like forgot password, activate account, 2FA tokens - login only generates the tokens, the delivery is up to you
  • doesn't do any authorization, only authentication
  • doesn't provide any visuals, only a class and a RESTful service