
Provides utils to create a test infrastructure for Doctrine 2 entities.

2.1.0 2024-09-05 12:49 UTC



This library provides some infrastructure for tests of Doctrine ORM entities, featuring:

  • configuration of a SQLite in memory database, compromising well between speed and a database environment being both realistic and isolated
  • a mechanism for importing fixtures into your database that circumvents Doctrine's caching. This results in a more realistic test environment when loading entities from a repository.

We use it to test Doctrine repositories and entities in Symfony applications. It's a lightweight alternative to the heavyweight functional tests suggested in the Symfony documentation (we don't suggest you should skip those - we just want to open another path).

In non-application bundles, where functional tests are not possible, it is our only way to test repositories and entities.


Install via composer (see http://getcomposer.org/):

composer require --dev webfactory/doctrine-orm-test-infrastructure



use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface;
use Entity\MyEntity;
use Entity\MyEntityRepository;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Webfactory\Doctrine\ORMTestInfrastructure\ORMInfrastructure;

class MyEntityRepositoryTest extends TestCase
    private ORMInfrastructure $infrastructure;
    private MyEntityRepository $repository;

    protected function setUp(): void
           This will create an in-memory SQLite database with the necessary schema
           for the MyEntity entity class and and everything reachable from it through
        $this->infrastructure = ORMInfrastructure::createWithDependenciesFor(MyEntity::class);
        $this->repository = $this->infrastructure->getRepository(MyEntity::class);

     * Example test: Asserts imported fixtures are retrieved with findAll().
    public function testFindAllRetrievesFixtures(): void
        $myEntityFixture = new MyEntity();

        $entitiesLoadedFromDatabase = $this->repository->findAll();

            import() will use a dedicated entity manager, so imported entities do not
            end up in the identity map. But this also means loading entities from the
            database will create _different object instances_.

            So, this does not hold:
        // self::assertContains($myEntityFixture, $entitiesLoadedFromDatabase);

        // But you can do things like this (you probably want to extract that in a convenient assertion method):
        self::assertCount(1, $entitiesLoadedFromDatabase);
        $entityLoadedFromDatabase = $entitiesLoadedFromDatabase[0];
        self::assertSame($myEntityFixture->getId(), $entityLoadedFromDatabase->getId());

     * Example test for retrieving Doctrine's entity manager.
    public function testSomeFancyThingWithEntityManager(): void
        $entityManager = $this->infrastructure->getEntityManager();
        // ...

Migrating to attribute-based mapping configuration (with version 1.x)

In versions 1.x of this library, the ORMInfrastructure::createWithDependenciesFor() and ORMInfrastructure::createOnlyFor() methods by default assume that the Doctrine ORM mapping is provided through annotations. Annotations-based configuration is no supported anymore in ORM 3.0.

To allow for a seamless transition towards attribute-based or other types of mapping, a mapping driver can be passed when creating instances of the ORMInfrastructure.

If you wish to switch to attribute-based mappings, pass a new \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Driver\AttributeDriver($paths), where $paths is an array of directory paths where your entity classes are stored.

For hybrid (annotations and attributes) mapping configurations, you can use \Doctrine\Persistence\Mapping\Driver\MappingDriverChain. Multiple mapping drivers can be registered on the driver chain by providing namespace prefixes. For every namespace prefix, only one mapping driver can be used.

Starting in version 2.0.0, attributes-based mapping will be the default.

Testing the library itself

After installing the dependencies managed via composer, just run


from the library's root folder. This uses the shipped phpunit.xml.dist - feel free to create your own phpunit.xml if you need local changes.

Happy testing!

Known Issues

Please note that apart from any open issues in this library, you may stumble upon any Doctrine issues. Especially take care of it's known sqlite issues.

Credits, Copyright and License

This package was first written by webfactory GmbH (Bonn, Germany) and received contributions from other people since then.

webfactory is a software development agency with a focus on PHP (mostly Symfony). If you're a developer looking for new challenges, we'd like to hear from you!

Copyright 2012 – 2024 webfactory GmbH, Bonn. Code released under the MIT license.