
Class for handling and manipulating URLs

v0.7.1 2018-07-25 15:54 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-18 04:45:46 UTC


PHP class for handling and manipulating URLs. It's a pragmatic one-class lib that is completely framework independent.

Build Status Latest Version

  • Parse URL strings to objects

  • add and modify query parameters

  • set and modify any part of the url

  • test for equality of URLs with query parameters in a PHP-fashioned way

  • supports protocol-relative urls

  • convert absolute, host-relative and protocol-relative urls to relative and vice versa

  • New in version 0.7 (2018/07/25): optional compatibility with Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface (PSR-7), see below


This package is listed on Packagist.

composer require wa72/url

Features and Usage

Parse a URL to an object

use \Wa72\Url\Url;

$url = new Url('http://my-server.com/index.php?p1=foo&p2=bar');
// or alternatively use the static factory function `parse`:
$url = Url::parse('http://my-server.com/index.php?p1=foo&p2=bar');

// set another host

// return the URL as string again
echo $url->write();
// or simply:
echo $url;

Easily modify and add query parameters

$url->setQueryParameter('p1', 'newvalue');
$url->setQueryParameter('param3', 'another value');
echo $url;
// will output:
// http://another-server.org/index.php?p1=newvalue&p2=bar&param3=another%20value

// You can even add arrays a query parameter:
$url->setQueryParameter('param3', array(5, 6));
echo $url;
// will output:
// http://another-server.org/index.php?p1=newvalue&p2=bar&param3[]=5&param3[]=6

Compare URLs with query strings the PHP way

While in general a URL may have multiple query parameters with the same name (e.g. ?a=value1&a=value2&a=value3) and there are web applications that convert those parameters into an array, this is not the PHP way of dealing with query parameters: In PHP, the last parameter with the same name always wins, so the above query string is equal to only ?a=value3.

Similarly, while in general the order of query parameters in the query string may be significant to a web application, it is not in PHP: ?a=1&b=2 is equivalent to ?b=2&a=1 for a PHP application.

Url deals with query strings in URLs like PHP does, so the URLs in the following example are to be considered equal:

$url1 = Url::parse('index.php?a=0&a=1&b=2');
$url2 = Url::parse('index.php?b=2&a=1');

return $url1.equals($url2);
// will return TRUE

Make relative URL absolute

A given URL that has

  • no scheme (protocol-relative URL)
  • no scheme and no host (host-relative URL)
  • no scheme, no host, and a relative path (relative URL)

can be turned into an absolute URL by a given base URL:

$url = Url::parse('page.php');
$baseurl = Url::parse('http://www.test.test/index.html');
echo $url; // will print: http://www.test.test/page.php

$url = Url::parse('../de/seite.html');
$baseurl = Url::parse('http://www.test.test/en/page.html');
echo $url; // will print: http://www.test.test/de/seite.html

$url = Url::parse('/index.html');
$baseurl = Url::parse('http://www.test.test/en/page.html');
echo $url; // will print: http://www.test.test/index.html

$url = Url::parse('/index.html');
$baseurl = Url::parse('http://www.test.test/en/page.html');
echo $url; // will print: http://www.test.test/index.html

$url = Url::parse('//www.test.test/index.html');
$baseurl = Url::parse('https://www.test.test/en/page.html');
echo $url; // will print: https://www.test.test/index.html

Output protocol-relative and host-relative URLs

If you want to omit the scheme, or scheme and host, when outputting the URL you can pass Url::WRITE_FLAG_OMIT_SCHEME and with Url::WRITE_FLAG_OMIT_HOST to the write()-method:

$url = Url::parse('https://www.test.test/index.php?id=5#c1');

// protocol-relative output
echo $url->write(Url::WRITE_FLAG_OMIT_SCHEME); // will print: //www.test.test/index.php?id=5#c1

// host-relative output
echo $url->write(Url::WRITE_FLAG_OMIT_SCHEME | Url::WRITE_FLAG_OMIT_HOST)); // will print: /index.php?id=5#c1

Compatibility with Psr\Http\Message\UriInterface (PSR-7)

  • class Url now has all methods defined in this interface but does not officially implement it.
  • new wrapper class Psr7Uri that implements UriInterface
  • methods for converting between Url and Psr7Uri

Class Url does not implement the PSR Interface by itself for two reasons:

  1. To not introduce a new dependency on the PSR interface. The dependency is only "suggested" in composer json.
  2. Because the PSR interface is designed to be immutable, while Url is not.

To use this feature, you need to composer require psr/http-message.

use Wa72\Url\Psr7Uri;
use Wa72\Url\Url;

# Get a Psr7Uri from a Url object

$url = Url::parse('https://www.foo.bar/test.php?a=b');
$psr7uri = Psr7Uri::fromUrl($url);
// or alternatively:
$psr7uri = $url->toPsr7();

# Get a Url object from UriInterface

$url = Url::fromPsr7($psr7uri); // this works for every UriInterface object, not only Wa72\Url\Psr7Uri
// or alternatively:
$url = $psr7uri->toUrl();

# You can also create a Psr7Uri directly

$psr7uri = Psr7Uri::parse('https://www.foo.bar/test.php?a=b');

More documentation to come

Meanwhile, have a look at the source code, there are lots of comments in it.

(c) Christoph Singer 2018. Licensed under the MIT license.