
Tool to analyze PHPUnit test coverage report in clover format

v0.2.0 2020-10-15 18:07 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-16 02:56:40 UTC


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Covelyzer - PHP console tool to analyze PHPUnit test coverage report in clover (XML) format. Covelyzer integrates coverage metrics directly into the workflow forcing developers to write tests and forbidding delivery of uncovered code.


  • Works in console
  • Easy to integrate
  • Flexible configuration
  • Same setup locally and on CI
  • Not depend on third-party service


Install the latest version with Composer:

composer require --dev vstelmakh/covelyzer


Before you start, run tests with options to generate coverage report in XML format. See corresponding PHPUnit documentation reference Code coverage analysis and Covelyzer phpunit.xml, composer.json scripts section as an example.

Run tests with XML coverage xdebug example:

vendor/bin/phpunit --dump-xdebug-filter var/xdebug-filter.php && \
vendor/bin/phpunit --prepend var/xdebug-filter.php --coverage-clover var/coverage.xml --whitelist src

Run Covelyzer with default configuration:

vendor/bin/covelyzer var/coverage.xml

To specify additional configuration see Configuration.


Configuration defined in covelyzer.xml located under project root (where vendor dir located). Or configuration path could be overridden via -c | --config command option:

vendor/bin/covelyzer var/coverage.xml -c path/to/covelyzer.xml

If no configuration file provided - default configuration is used.

Example configuration:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <project minCoverage="100"/>
    <class minCoverage="100"/>

<covelyzer> element

Config root element.

timezone attribute

Timezone should be used to display timestamp.

  • use: optional
  • type: string (see: php timezones)
  • command option: could be defined/overridden via --timezone command option

<project> element

Defines configuration for project coverage report. If defined project coverage report will be rendered.

  • parent: <covelyzer>
  • use: optional
minCoverage attribute

Minimum coverage value. If project have less coverage - report will fail.

  • use: required
  • type: float (min: 0, max: 100)

<class> element

Defines configuration for class coverage report. If defined class coverage report will be rendered.

  • parent: <covelyzer>
  • use: optional
minCoverage attribute

Minimum coverage value. If any class have less coverage - report will fail.

  • use: required
  • type: float (min: 0, max: 100)

Tips & tricks

Use help option

Use -h | --help command option to display Covelyzer help data. It contains all available arguments, options and usage examples.

vendor/bin/covelyzer --help

Ignore code blocks

Covelyzer will analyze full report produced by PHPUnit. In some cases you want to ignore some code parts to not be taken into account. There are several options available, see Ignoring code blocks in PHPUnit documentation.

Speed up coverage with Xdebug

The performance of code coverage data collection with Xdebug can be improved by delegating whitelist filtering to Xdebug. See corresponding PHPUnit docs section: Speeding up code coverage with Xdebug.


Volodymyr Stelmakh
Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.