
Entity Definition Update Manager - Provides developers with a class to perform automatic entity updates.

1.0.11 2022-05-05 14:19 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-17 18:51:11 UTC


Provides developers with a class to perform automatic entity updates.

Use only in development environment. Not to use on production websites.

Support for automatic entity updates has been removed

User deprecated function: EntityDefinitionUpdateManagerInterface::applyUpdates() was deprecated in Drupal 8.7.0 and was removed before Drupal 9.0.0.

How to Use Entity Definition Update Manager Class

Customized class for the entity definition update manager.

Require the Package in your root composer.json file

  "vardot/entity-definition-update-manager": "~1.0"

Or require the Package in your Project with a command

$ composer require vardot/entity-definition-update-manager:~1.0

1. Add Needed Namespace

Add the following name space at in custom modules or custom installation profiles.

use Vardot\Entity\EntityDefinitionUpdateManager;

2. Do Any Type of Configuration Import or Updates

Import or update configs in hook install or hook update, or any post install or post update.

3. Run the Class Resolver for the Instance From the Definition Class

  // Entity updates to clear up any mismatched entity and/or field definitions
  // And Fix changes were detected in the entity type and field definitions.

Example Use On Installs

Varbase Core is important number of managed configurations on install. It needed to update entity definitions after that.

Have a look at the varbase_core_install hook function

Example Use On Updates

Varbase API in some point needed to update configurations in a hook update. It needed to update entity definitions after that. Which did not work without entity definition update.

Have a look at the varbase_api_update_8702 hook function

When to Use and When Not to Use?

Do not use when the import/update of configs works in the normal way.

If all configs are in the config/install and no issues on install.

Use when custom managed configs are been imported or updated in a custom order, And custom actions or changes in between imports are being involved.

If the module or profile has number of optional or managed configs. Which located in config/optional or config/managed or any other physical locations. Then they are imported or updated with custom Drupal Config Factory or Drupal Install Factory.

Must run at least ones at the end of each installation steps for installation profiles like Varbase, Vardoc, Uber Publisher.