
Docksal-based local development tooling for the UT Drupal Kit.

Installs: 147

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 2

Watchers: 4

Forks: 0


3.1.0 2022-07-18 16:53 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-11 21:18:43 UTC


This repository contains Docksal-based tooling for internal development of the UT Drupal Kit. It should not be used for local development with an individual Drupal Kit site.

For local development on an individual Drupal Kit site, use one of the options listed at https://drupalkit.its.utexas.edu/docs/getting_started/local_development.html


Getting started

  • Make sure you have Docksal installed
  • Make sure you have a recent version of PHP as your active native php-cli version. If using a Mac with Homebrew, you can do this with https://github.com/shivammathur/homebrew-php
  • From the root of where you have cloned the repo, run fin init. This will initiate the containers.
  • You can then use fin init-site to install Drupal.
  • If you need to re-install the site, run fin init-site as needed without restarting the stack or re-running any of setup.sh.
  • You can run fin uli to do a drush uli with the appropriate URI automatically piped in to give you a valid link for admin login.

Special note: Firefox

If you use Firefox, you will need to install mkcert in order for the browser to recognize locally-generated SSL certificates. Run the following:

brew install mkcert
brew install nss
mkcert -install

Running tests

  • For first time setup, run fin test-init. This will copy over the default files from the .docksal/drupal/testing-defaults folder, and update them to match your current Docksal virtual host.
  • Before running tests confirm the checkbox in Docker settings > Features in development (tab) > Use Rosetta for x86/amd64 emulation on Apple Silicon is checked and the "Apply and restart" button has been clicked. (and confirm the "Virutalization Framework" is enabled as per the help text)
  • There are 5 commands to run testing:
    • run-tests: run the entire UTexas suite of tests using parallel testing
    • test <directory/file>: run PHPUnit Functional tests in series, using standard PHP command parameters
    • test-js <directory/file>: run PHPUnit FunctionalJS tests in series, using standard PHP command parameters
    • paratest-functional <directory/file>: run PHPUnit Functional tests in parallel, using standard PHP command parameters
    • paratest-js <directory/file>: run PHPUnit FunctionalJS tests in parallel, using standard PHP command parameters
  • More details on the commands can be found in the command files themselves - .docksal/commands/test and .docksal/commands/test-js. They both function largely the same way, but are configured to use corresponding phpunit.xml files located in .docksal/drupal/testing folder.
  • To ensure proper functionality, the SIMPLETEST_BASE_URL has to be updated to match the Docksal virtual host name. In most cases, this is taken care of when running fin test-init. As part of this command, it will update the appropriate phpunit.xml files automatically. This does a basic find and replace operation via perl, replacing the default web string with the Docksal variable ${VIRTUAL_HOST}.
  • If the command doesn't work for you for some reason, you can manually update the SIMPLETEST_BASE_URL in the included phpunit.xml and phpunit-js.xml, located in .docksal/drupal/testing/. In Docksal, the name of your host matches the name of your folder. So, if you cloned this into a folder called drupalin, your Docksal based URL will be http://drupalin.docksal, and this is what your SIMPLETEST_BASE_URL should be set to.

Deprecation checking

Run the following command to run Drupal 9 compatibility checks with drupal-check:

vendor/bin/drupal-check path/to/directory

Deprecation fixes via Drupal Rector

Run the following commands to attempt to automate Drupal 9 compatibility fixes with drupal-rector

  1. Add the configuration file to the project root
cp vendor/palantirnet/drupal-rector/rector-config-web-dir.yml rector.yml
  1. Analyze the code
vendor/bin/rector process web/modules/contrib/[YOUR_MODULE] --dry-run
  1. Apply suggested changes
vendor/bin/rector process web/modules/contrib/[YOUR_MODULE]

Setting different versions of PHP

  • The docksal.env file contains some sample definitions of the different pieces of the stack. WEB_IMAGE, DB_IMAGE, and CLI_IMAGE can be modified to use different Docker images from the Docksal repo. The PHP version is determined from the CLI_IMAGE. You can modify the value to a new version, and run fin up to refresh the containers. Docksal will detect the changes, download the new Docker image if it doesn't exist in your cache, and reload your container running the new PHP version. So for example, to run on PHP 7.3, you could update the CLI_IMAGE to be CLI_IMAGE='docksal/cli:2.6-php7.3', and run fin up, and now the CLI container is running on PHP 7.3. And to clarify, the CLI container is determining what version of PHP that Drupal will be using, since Drupal is in essence running on this container, in orchestration with the WEB_IMAGE and DB_IMAGE containers, which are networked together automatically behind the scenes. See more information about this from the Docksal site.

Accessing database through PhpMyAdmin

  • You can access PhpMyAdmin by navigating to http://pma.{YOUR_DOCKSAL_SITE}, replacing {YOUR_DOCKSAL_SITE} with whatever the site URL is.

Accessing database through SequelPro

  • If you have SequelPro installed, you can run fin sequelpro from the docroot of the site, and it will open up the database in SequelPro!

Accessing MailHog

  • You can access MailHog by navigating to http://mail.{YOUR_DOCKSAL_SITE}, replacing {YOUR_DOCKSAL_SITE} with whatever the site URL is.

Overriding PHP / MySQL settings

  • It's possible to override PHP settings as needed. Some examples are included in the example-php-mysql-overrides folder.
  • Docksal will look for PHP overrides in .docksal/etc/php - for more in depth information, see the Docksal documentation
  • Docksal will look for MySQL overrides in .docksal/etc/mysql - for more in depth information, see the Docksal documentation


This should provide "out of the box" xdebugging ability Test steps:

  • Add XDEBUG_ENABLED=1 to your docksal-local.env, and do a fin up to reload the containers with XDebug enabled. If you haven't already setup a php.ini, add one, or update /etc/php/php.ini settings with desired XDebug preferences (see .docksal/example-php-mysql-overrides/etc/php/php.ini), and do a fin project restart to apply the new settings. NOTE: Having XDEBUG_ENABLED=1 will slow down performance, so consider setting back to 0 and running fin up to unload it if not actively using.
  • Download VSCode debug extension
  • Go to the "debug" tab and start debugging: image
  • When you refresh the site in a spot where that code executes, it should jump you into vscode image

Note on composer.json requirements

  • Due to a current limitation with our composer scaffolding, any package that is not the root package will not have it's require-dev dependencies installed. Because we use the utexas_profile as a package, the require-dev packages defined there won't be installed, since the utexas_profile is not the root package. That is why we duplicate them in this repo as requirements, so that when this package is installed, it takes care of properly installing dependencies for testing and other dev specific activities.