
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

This class is a collection of functions that aids in debugging your application

v2.0.1 2014-03-10 21:06 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-07-02 13:47:41 UTC




This class is made by unreal4u (Camilo Sperberg). http://unreal4u.com/.

About this class

  • When debugging, you need sometimes to check what's in a certain variable. This class does print that information
  • It will have in special consideration the type of the variable you're printing: as such it will clearly indicate whether you're printing a boolean, empty string or even null
  • Printing to screen is not practical? Print it to a file instead
  • Tired of triggering errors? Convert them easily to exceptions with just one function call. From now on, every error will be converted to an exception instead
  • Want to know how many time or memory a functionality in your script takes? Measure several of these benchmarks easily with this class!
  • Format a unix timestamp? You can also do that easily with this class!

Basic usage

  • Congratulations! You have just printed something to your screen!
  • Please see documentation folder for more options and advanced usage

Version History

  • 0.1 :

    • Original class
  • 0.2 :

    • Many improvements, such as:
      • General cleanup
      • Code is now more consistent
      • Extensively tested
  • 0.3 :

    • Changed defaults to a much better representation
    • More checks for debugFirePHP
  • 1.0 :

    • Integrated old class "benchmark" into this one
    • Some minor bug fixes
  • 2.0 :

    • Compatible with composer
    • Refined auto-format output

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