
Bulk HTTP client based on the multi cURL handler

dev-master 2022-01-17 23:42 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-18 05:40:56 UTC


Build Status Code Coverage

Hydra is a simple cURL-based concurrent HTTP client abstracted behind an easy to use PSR-7 wrapper.


Via Composer

composer require uma/hydra

Quick Demo

In a few words, you call load repeatedly passing a PSR-7 request and the service that will handle its response. Once you've loaded all the requests you want to send at once, call sendAll. While this method runs it will call each handler in the order it receives the responses. sendAll blocks until all responses are received and their handlers have been executed.

Moreover, the client never throws exceptions (any encountered errors are notified to the relevant handler without interrupting the execution flow).


use Nyholm\Psr7\Request;
use Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use UMA\Hydra;

require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

class DemoHandler implements Hydra\ResponseHandler {
    public function handle(
        RequestInterface $request,
        ?ResponseInterface $response,
        Hydra\CurlStats $stats
    ): void
        echo \sprintf(
            "%b %s %s %s\n",
            null === $response,
            (string) $request->getUri()

$time = \microtime(true);

$client = new Hydra\Client();
$handler = new DemoHandler();

$client->load(new Request('GET', ''), $handler);
$client->load(new Request('GET', ''), $handler);
$client->load(new Request('GET', ''), $handler);

// 1 6 0.009291
// 0 0 0.162465
// 0 0 0.26687

echo \sprintf("\nTotal elapsed time: %s\n", \microtime(true) - $time);
// Total elapsed time: 0.27728295326233


Client behaviour

The Client accepts a variable number of PSR-7 requests with its load method, but does not send them straight away. The second parameter for load is the object that will handle the response, and it must implement the ResponseHandler interface. ResponseHandlers need to be implemented by the end user of the library, and the same instance can be reused in different calls to load.

Once all requests are loaded, calling sendAll will send all them at once, and run their handlers in the same order that the responses are received. sendAll itself is blocking (execution won't move on until all requests have been handled) and does not return anything. Client should never throw an exception, regardless of the outcome of each request.

ResponseHandler API

ResponseHandler objects receive 3 arguments in their handle method when the Client is finished with their associated request.

The first one is the same PSR-7 request instance that was supplied to load, and is useful in order to have the context of which response the handler is processing.

The second one is a PSR-7 response object. It will be null if cURL did not manage to complete the HTTP requests or any given reason. For this reason it is advised to check the cURL error code in $stats->error_code before doing anything else. You MUST never throw an exception from a handler, as this will prevent other handlers from running.

The third parameter, a CurlStats object is a DTO with all the statistics available to cURL about the request.

Besides all the elements documented here, CurlStats also has an error_code attribute with the cURL error code and a couple of helpers to get information that can be easily derived from the raw statistics, such as the remote server processing time.


Client can be further customised with an instance of the ClientOptions object that accepts at construction time.

// Time amounts have to be specified in milliseconds.
$customOptions = (new ClientOptions)

$customClient = new Client($customOptions);

FAQ and Tips

How does Hydra compare to Guzzle?

How many concurrent requests can be sent?

Why does Hydra depend on the nyholm/psr7 package?

Why is Hydra not PSR-18 compatible?

How to write ResponseHandlers


Run them with composer test. They need docker and docker-compose available.