
A Zend Framework 2 module to easily integrate ZfcUserDoctrineORM and ZfcRbac

0.0.1-beta1 2014-02-16 07:35 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-13 15:33:06 UTC


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A Zend Framework 2 module to easily integrate ZfcUserDoctrineORM and ZfcRbac

Doctrine ORM Storage Adapter for UserRbac module.


  1. Add "ujjwal/user-rbac-doctrine-orm": "dev-master" to your composer.json and run php composer.phar update
  2. Run command vendor/bin/doctrine-module orm:schema-tool:update --force to update schema
  3. Enable this module and UserRbac in config/application.config.php
  4. Copy file located in vendor/ujjwal/user-rbac/config/user-rbac.global.php to ./config/autoload/user-rbac.global.php and change the values as you wish


Don't use this module. This is shit. If you use don't use Doctrine ORM, then use UserRbac module.