
Alternative to PHP's native session handler for PSR-7

1.0.0 2017-08-05 06:23 UTC

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Last update: 2025-03-13 15:41:21 UTC


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Alternative to PHP's native session handler. It does not depend on PHP's session capability. It can be used with non-typical php based applications like with react/http.

But, why?

But, why?

  • You don't have to depend on session_ functions which means you can write testable code.
  • You don't have to depend on $_SESSION superglobal allowing you to write more testable code.
  • You can even use this for non-typical php based applications like with react/http.
  • You can create a framework agnostic library/module depending on psr-7 HTTP message interfaces and this session library.

Getting started

$sessionOptions = [
    'name' => 'session_id',
    'sid_length' => 40,
    'cookie' => [
        'domain' => 'your-app.com',

$sessionHandler = new Ojhaujjwal\Session\Handler\FileHandler('path/to/session-data');
$sessionManager = new Ojhaujjwal\Session\SessionManager(
$storage = $sessionManager->getStorage();


// you can manipulate $storage just like $_SESSION   
$storage['some_key'] = 'some_value';
$someKey = $storage['some_key'];

$response = $sessionManager->close($response);
//return the response the the client


composer require ujjwal/psr7-http-session

Session Options


Type: string Required: true

Name of the session which is used as cookie name. It should only contain alphanumeric characters.


Type: integer Default: 40

the length of session ID string. Session ID length can be between 22 to 256.


Type: array

Used to pass cookie options. See cookie options section.

Cookie Options


Type: string Default: derived from the Host header of request

domain to be set in the session cookie.


Type: string Default: /

path to be set in the session cookie.


Type: boolean Default: true

Marks the cookie as accessible only through the HTTP protocol. This means that the cookie won't be accessible by scripting languages, such as JavaScript.


Type: boolean Default: True if the original request is https

It indicates whether cookies should only be sent over secure connections.


Type: integer Default: 0 for session cookie

It specifies the lifetime of the cookie in seconds which is sent to the browser. The value 0 means "until the browser is closed." Defaults to 0


Type: string Default: Lax Specifies SameSite cookie attribute. Very useful to mitigate CSRF by preventing the browser from sending this cookie along with cross-site requests. Allowed values:

  • empty string for not setting the attribute
  • ParagonIE\Cookie\Cookie::SAME_SITE_RESTRICTION_LAX(fairly strict)
  • ParagonIE\Cookie\Cookie::SAME_SITE_RESTRICTION_STRICT(very strict)

Basic operations

Initializing SessionManager

$sessionManager = new Ojhaujjwal\Session\SessionManager(

Starting session


$sessionManager->isStarted(); // returns true

Retrieve session id

$sessionManager->getId(); //returns alphanumeric string

Regenerate session id


$sessionManager->regenerate(false); // does not destroy old session

Close session and write to response header as cookie

$response = $sessionManager->close($response);

Retrieving session storage

$storage = $sessionManager->getStorage();

It implements IteratorAggregate, ArrayAccess, Countable So, it will look very much like $_SESSION. Just replace the $_SESSION occurrences in your app with instance of the object.

Write to session

$storage->abcd = 'efgh';
$storage['abcd'] = 'efgh';
$storage->set('abcd', 'efgh');

Read from session

$abcd =  $storage->abc;
$abcd = $storage['abcd'];
$abcd = $storage->get('abcd');

Remove from session


Flush session data


Session Middleware

It also comes with a http middleware which you can use to automatically initialize session and write cookie to response. The middleware is compatible with http-interop/http-middleware based single pass approach or express-like double pass approach.

 $middleware = new Ojhaujjwal\Session\SessionMiddleware($handler, $sessionOptions);
 $middleware->process($request, $delegate);
 // or
 $middleware($request, $response, $next);
 //using with zend-expressive
 //after errorhandler and before the routing middleware


  • Fix build in php7.2
  • Garbage collection
  • Cookie Based session handler
  • Encryption Session Handler
