
Pipeline Tasks based on illuminate/pipeline

0.9.0 2017-10-03 05:14 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-07 08:40:07 UTC


This package allows you to create some tasks with list of steps (pipes) and execute that steps one-by-one with ability to interrupt task execution on any step.

Build Status StyleCI ScrutinizerCI Latest Version on Packagist Software License


This package requires PHP 7.1 or higher.


You can install the package via composer:

$ composer require tzurbaev/laravel-pipeline-tasks



Example task & pipes are defined in the examples directory. Once you define your tasks, you can start your tasks via the TasksManager class:


use App\CloneGitRepositoryTask;
use Zurbaev\PipelineTasks\TaskManager;
use Illuminate\Container\Container;

$manager = new TaskManager(Container::getInstance());
$task = new CloneGitRepositoryTask(


Or you can use PipelineTasks facade:


use App\CloneGitRepositoryTask;
use Zurbaev\PipelineTasks\Facades\PipelineTasks;

$task = new CloneGitRepositoryTask(


All pipes will be executed in the order they are defined in the pipes method.

Stop execution

If you need to stop further task pipes from execution, just return false from your handle method.

Please note that there's strict type checking for the false value. This means that if you return empty string, 0 or null or any other falsish value, task execution won't be stopped.

Skip pipe

If you need to skip some pipe, just return any non-false value in the beginning of the handle method (or in any reasonable place).

You can also return some value that can be examined lately in the completed or failed methods of your task.

Accessing pipes results

Task class provides helper methods to retrieve any pipe's results:

  • hasPipeResult(string $name) - determines if task has result for the given pipe name;
  • getPipeResult(string $name, $default = null) - returns pipe value or default value if empty;
  • results() - returns array of all pipes results.

Chaning pipe name

If you have several pipes of the same class, you might want to override its names, since at the end of the task you'll have results from the latest similar pipe.

You can override public function name() in you pipe class:


namespace App\Pipes;

use App\CloneGitRepositoryTask;
use Zurbaev\PipelineTasks\Pipe;

class CloneGitRepository extends Pipe
     * @var CloneGitRepositoryTask
    protected $task;

    public function name()
        return 'clone-git-branch-'.$this->task->getBranch();

    public function handle()
        // Handle pipe.

Now results will be stored as clone-git-branch-master instead of CloneGitRepository.


TaskManager fires two events: Zurbaev\PipelineTasks\Events\PipelineTaskCompleted in case of successful task execution and Zurbaev\PipelineTasks\Events\PipelineTaskFailed in case of failure.

PipelineTaskCompleted instance contains public $task property, so you can access it in your listeners. PipelineTaskFailed in addition to the public $task property provides public $exception for identification what exact pipe caused failure.


If something went wrong during task execution, you can detect it via failed method on your task class or via listening to the PipelineTaskFailed event.

failed method accepts Zurbaev\PipelineTasks\Exceptions\PipelineTaskFailedException instance as first argument, so you can inspect it.

You can use $e->getPipeName() method to get the failed pipe's name.

If there was an exception while running pipe, you can access it via $e->getPrevious() method.

Exception codes described as constants of PipelineTaskFailedException class:

  • PipelineTaskFailedException::EXCEPTION_THROWN - means that there was an exception while running pipe. You can access this exception via $e->getPrevious() method;
  • PipelineTaskFailedException::REJECTED - means that pipe return false, so task has been marked as failed.

Change log

Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


$ vendor/bin/phpunit


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.