
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Extensible string and file reading library.

This package has no released version yet, and little information is available.


Extensible string and file reading library.


Use Composer to install: composer require ts/reader:~2.1

Direct usage of an implementation

If you know exactly what you want to read, feel free to instantiate a reader implementation directly:

use TS\Reader\Implementation\Json;

$jsonReader = new Json;

// Setting a json string
$jsonReader->setString('{ "key": "value" }');

// Setting a json file
$jsonReader->setFile(/* path to .json file */);

// Reading the data
$data = $jsonReader->readAll();

Using the ReaderContainer

Instead of instantiating reader implementations directly you can use the reader container to create the reader for you after a little bit of bootstrapping:

use TS\Reader\ReaderContainer;

$container = new ReaderContainer;

// Registration
$container->registerReader('TS\\Reader\\Implementation\\Json', ['json']);
// Register further implementations...

// Creation using a json string
$reader = $container->createForString('json', '{ "key": "value" }');

// Creation using a json file
$reader = $container->createForFile(/* path to .json file */);

// Reading the data
$data = $reader->readAll();

Using the event system

You can intercept or influence most parts of the mailer's lifecycle by utilizing your favorite event dispatcher. By default Symfony's EventDispatcher Component is used.

To utilize the full power of the EventDispatcher, you need to explicitly pass an instance when creating either the ReaderContainer or reader implementation:

use TS\Common\Event\EventDispatcher;
use TS\Reader\Implementation\Json;
use TS\Reader\ReaderContainer;

// Instantiate or get the EventDispatcher instance from somewhere, like a service/DI container
$dispatcher = new EventDispatcher;

// Pass it to the reader implementation or container
$jsonReader = new Json($dispatcher);
$container = new ReaderContainer($dispatcher);

You're now able to listen in to the following events, which are described inside the TS\Reader\ReaderEvents class:

  • INIT: Dispatched right in the reader's constructor.
  • READ: Dispatched after reading.
  • READ_COMPLETE: Dispatched when everything has been read.
  • READ_LINE: Dispatched when a line has been read.

Available implementations

Type Class name Csv TS\Reader\Implementation\Csv Ini TS\Reader\Implementation\Ini Json TS\Reader\Implementation\Json Txt TS\Reader\Implementation\Txt Xml TS\Reader\Implementation\Xml Yaml TS\Reader\Implementation\Yaml

Excel support is split off into a separate composer package ts/reader-excel.