
Basic Laravel Helpers for requests and controllers build by TomatoPHP

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v1.0.0 2024-03-10 15:17 UTC

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Last update: 2025-03-10 17:43:02 UTC



Laravel Tomato

Basic Laravel Helpers for requests and controllers build by TomatoPHP


composer require tomatophp/laravel-tomato


  • Tomato::menu() inject and handle menus across your application
  • Tomato::widget() inject and handle widgets across your application
  • Tomato::slot() inject and handle slots across your application
  • Tomato::request() handle and validate requests
  • Tomato::response() handle api responses


you can use the helper by Facade class or by using the helper function

use TomatoPHP\LaravelTomato\Facades\Tomato::register();

or just


Register Components

you can register your menu, widget, or slot in your service provider boot() method

        ->icon("bx bx-user"),

you can register any type of component and we will check it and handle it for you

all components have a macroable methods to add more functionality to it.

Get Components

you can get your components like this


it will return an array of registered components for you


you can use the request helper to handle and validate your requests like this

return Tomato::request()->index(
   request: request(),
   model: App\Models\User::class,

🔁 Index Request

this method returns view or JsonResponse based on the request type. and we get the request type by check if the route has auth:sanctum middleware or not.

this method accept some arguments:

  • request the request object
  • model the model you want to get
  • view the view you want to return
  • table the table class you want to use
  • data the data you want to pass to the view
  • api if you want to return JsonResponse or not
  • resource resource class to resource your returned data
  • query if you want to add some query to the model
  • filters if you want to add some filters to the table
public function index(Request $request): View|JsonResponse
    return Tomato::index(
        request: $request, //Required
        model: $this->model, //Required
        view: 'users.index', 
        table: \App\Tables\UserTable::class,
        data: [
            'name' => 'john doe',
        api: true,
        resource: UserResource::class,
        query: User::query()->where('is_activated',true),
        filters: [

🔁 JSON Request

this method return only json response of the model to make it easy to access it with x-splade-select or x-tomato-admin-select

this method accept some arguments:

  • request the request object
  • model the model you want to get
  • data the data you want to pass to the view
  • paginate if you want to paginate the response or not
  • query if you want to add some query to the model
  • filters if you want to add some filters to the table
public function api(Request $request): JsonResponse
    return Tomato::json(
        request: $request, //Required
        model: \App\Models\User::class, //Required
        data: [
            'name' => 'john doe',
        paginate: 10,
        query: User::query()->where('is_activated',true),
        filters: [

🔁 Get Request

this method returns view or JsonResponse based on the request type. and we get the request type by check if the route has auth:sanctum middleware or not.

this method accept some arguments:

  • model the model you want to get
  • view the view you want to return
  • data the data you want to pass to the view
  • hasMedia if you want to get the media of the model or not
  • collection [array] the media collection you want to get as array take true if it's multi or false if it's single
  • attach [array] to attach some data to the model
  • api if you want to return JsonResponse or not
  • resource resource class to resource your returned data
  • query if you want to add some query to the model
public function show(\App\Models\User $model): View|JsonResponse
    return Tomato::get(
        model: $model, //Required
        view: '', //Required
        data: [
            'name' => 'john doe',
        hasMedia: true,
        collection: [
            'avatar' => false,
            'gallery' => true
        attach: [
            'roles' => $model->roles,
        api: true,
        resource: UserResource::class,
        query: User::query()->where('is_activated',true)

🔁 Store Request

this method returns RedirectResponse or JsonResponse based on the request type. and we get the request type by check if the route has auth:sanctum middleware or not.

this method accept some arguments:

  • request the request object
  • model the model you want to get
  • validation the validation rules you want to use
  • message the message you want to return with the response
  • validationError the message you want to return if the validation failed
  • redirect the redirect route you want to redirect to
  • hasMedia if you want to get the media of the model or not
  • collection [array] the media collection you want to get as array take true if it's multi or false if it's single
  • api if you want to return JsonResponse or not
public function store(Request $request): RedirectResponse|JsonResponse
    $response = Tomato::store(
        request: $request, //Required
        model: \App\Models\User::class, //Required
        validation: [
            'name' => 'required|string|max:255',
            'email' => 'required|string|email|max:255|unique:users',
        message: __('User created successfully'),
        validationError: __('Error When Try To Store User'),
        redirect: 'admin.users.index',
        hasMedia: true,
        collection: [
            'avatar' => false,
            'gallery' => true
        api: true,

    if($response instanceof JsonResponse){
        return $response;

    return $response->redirect;

🔁 Update Request

this method returns RedirectResponse or JsonResponse based on the request type. and we get the request type by check if the route has auth:sanctum middleware or not.

this method accept some arguments:

  • request the request object
  • model the model you want to get
  • validation the validation rules you want to use
  • message the message you want to return with the response
  • validationError the message you want to return if the validation failed
  • redirect the redirect route you want to redirect to
  • hasMedia if you want to get the media of the model or not
  • collection [array] the media collection you want to get as array take true if it's multi or false if it's single
  • api if you want to return JsonResponse or not
public function update(Request $request, \App\Models\User $model): RedirectResponse|JsonResponse
    $response = Tomato::update(
        request: $request, //Required
        model: $model, //Required
        validation: [
            'name' => 'required|string|max:255',
            'email' => 'required|string|email|max:255|unique:users',
        message: __('User updated successfully'),
        redirect: 'admin.users.index',
        hasMedia: true,
        collection: [
            'avatar' => false,
            'gallery' => true
        api: true,

     if($response instanceof JsonResponse){
         return $response;

     return $response->redirect;

🔁 Destroy Request

this method returns RedirectResponse or JsonResponse based on the request type. and we get the request type by check if the route has auth:sanctum middleware or not.

this method accept some arguments:

  • model the model you want to get
  • message the message you want to return with the response
  • redirect the redirect route you want to redirect to
  • api if you want to return JsonResponse or not
public function destroy(\App\Models\User $model): RedirectResponse|JsonResponse
    $response = Tomato::destroy(
        model: $model, //Required
        message: __('User deleted successfully'), //Required
        redirect: 'admin.users.index',

    if($response instanceof JsonResponse){
        return $response;

    return $response->redirect;

Request With Media

to make media handling work you must install spatie/laravel-medialibrary package and run the migration

composer require spatie/laravel-medialibrary
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\MediaLibrary\MediaLibraryServiceProvider" --tag="migrations"
php artisan migrate

and your model must use HasMedia trait

use Spatie\MediaLibrary\HasMedia;
use Spatie\MediaLibrary\InteractsWithMedia;

class User extends Model implements HasMedia
    use InteractsWithMedia;

Handel Alerts

and we have handel Toaster for you if you are using Splade it will working automatically and if you have yoeunes/toastr package it will working fine too. or you can use fetch toaster variable from session to get the flash messages.


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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.